The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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today's 365 pic - see the rest HERE all comments appreciated :)


Very nice! Love the colours, subject and composotion. Also the hard shadow really makes the clock pop.
First go at image stacking. This is shot from out the back of the house in Troon. There's loads of light pollution sadly so I'm a little disappointed with it even though it seems to have come out ok. The Milky Way can been seen winding it's way from the bottom right to the top centre. The mass of stars at the bottom is the galactic core. I don't know what the small galaxy in the middle bottom left is.

40 images, f2.8, 24mm, ISO 3200, 20 second exposures, 15 dark frames.

Have a look at light pollution filters which should help but they'll increase the exposure time. Nice photo btw. I take it because of the wide field you're not using a tracking mount?

Looks on the right tilt for andromedia (M31).
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First go at image stacking. This is shot from out the back of the house in Troon. There's loads of light pollution sadly so I'm a little disappointed with it even though it seems to have come out ok. The Milky Way can been seen winding it's way from the bottom right to the top centre. The mass of stars at the bottom is the galactic core. I don't know what the small galaxy in the middle bottom left is.

40 images, f2.8, 24mm, ISO 3200, 20 second exposures, 15 dark frames.

There is a little trick you can try in Photoshop. Create a duplicate layer of your image, then use gaussian filter set to around 55 pixels and then invert this layer. You will end up with a white\blue image on this layer. Drop the opaque value of the layer to around 50% and then merge the image. It will look washed out, but now use levels\curves to get the black back. The orange light pollution should have now disappeared :)
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One of my favourites from today. David McKenna (10) scores but Craig Molloy (8) is happier during the celebration.

Cross processed in Photoshop just for the sheer hell of it :)

P1010459 is a really nice shot. I can't think of the last time I saw that look on a photo (well actually that's a fib, I saw it on a photo on flickr today that was taken a couple of years ago!) that actually worked well.

This reminds me of a film short that used to be shown in the cinema on Saturday mornings, in the 70s, about a nuclear scare.

Not that you care, but some kids come back to their town and there's no one around, and all the houses were empty :D
Ha his face in the background is ace :D

he was a happy chappy as well, made his debut for us and played well when he came on at half time. A win was always good as well :D

Khaaan! have you been reading up on the Mr Jones school of funny portraits ;)
Yes, another roibin

Yes, that should say 'Robin', can't edit the title so now I look like I can't spell - I just can't type :-(

Very cheeky and nosey robin, helped along by the crumbling of a Tracker bar I had in my pocket.


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