The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Tonight, I too am Wediting!

Some really nice shots on the previous page guys!
Nice looking shot Neil79! :)

A cissing cheetah at Fota Wildlife park, Cork, Ireland
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Bus stop. by Clwn, on Flickr


Tell me what you think :)

I think the busking shot it the best one you got that night. I am not a big fan out black and white night time shots, and I think they are very niche. Although you have good composition, I would like to see more of them in color as the bult are black and white.

One to go in my 52week project set, I wasnt feeling great and was too lazy to go far so i took this instead of going down london which is what I originally wanted to do, but it's sunday and I have work tomorrow. And no I havn't photoshopped in another sky, it's all original.
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I think the busking shot it the best one you got that night. I am not a big fan out black and white night time shots, and I think they are very niche. Although you have good composition, I would like to see more of them in color as the bult are black and white.
I''ve been really gay for B&W recently. Not sure why! Let me convert some of those night ones back to colour and see what you think about them

The thing about a lot of them is that I was under a bridge so you will just see a lot of orange street lighting which wasn't all that interesting.
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