The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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^^ So im guessing they didn't let you take in your DSLR?

heres more and no i sued my point and shoot which as u can see is blooming brilliant little camera! can definetly go toe to toe with some DSLR's


IMG_1388.jpg by jonneymendoza, on Flickr

IMG_1322.jpg by jonneymendoza, on Flickr


IMG_1316.jpg by jonneymendoza, on Flickr


IMG_1454.jpg by jonneymendoza, on Flickr


IMG_1453.jpg by jonneymendoza, on Flickr


IMG_1432.jpg by jonneymendoza, on Flickr


IMG_1417.jpg by jonneymendoza, on Flickr


IMG_1392.jpg by jonneymendoza, on Flickr


IMG_1417.jpg by jonneymendoza, on Flickr


IMG_1392.jpg by jonneymendoza, on Flickr
Went Urbexing with 2 friends today in Kent, photographing a derelict manor house (Potters Manor) and one of my mates comes up and goes "ran out of batteries *sob sob*".

I lolled and snapped a photo while his back was turned :p


Anyway, we encountered some other people there who were also photographing, they use costumes and props to set up scenes in abandoned places for their work (day job) so I grabbed one of the girls for a quick shoot, as you do :p


And some others of the manor:





(A cramped and dusty hobby at times ¬_¬)
Posted these in the photography topic thread but they may be more suited in here. :)



I'm going to really enjoy processing this, can tell :)
I''ve been really gay for B&W recently. Not sure why! Let me convert some of those night ones back to colour and see what you think about them

The thing about a lot of them is that I was under a bridge so you will just see a lot of orange street lighting which wasn't all that interesting.

I work a ****** shift pattern of 6 days and 7 days with varying days off inbetween. The standard of my photography flucturates a lot.
Cheers Phate, oh and that other wedding portrait you sort of linked to, was great as well, looks like it's your best work yet.

Thanks buddy, even from the handful I have processed I am very chuffed with them so far :)

Keep an eye for the big thread :)
I had a quick 5 minute go with my friend as we were walking around the market and we saw a wall we liked.
I usually enjoy post processing my normal street shots but I didn't know what the hell to do with these...

Posed Set by Clwn, on Flickr

Do they still look like snapshots? Which I guess they were, but meh.
Also got a couple candids the same day.

Candid. by Clwn, on Flickr

Candid. by Clwn, on Flickr

Wow. I did a candid without using vignetting!
Few photos of an old warehouse in Manchester centre. Not my usual thing, but fancied a bit of an explore on Sunday and this is the result!

Typically, I left my tripod at home, so had to use ledges/the floor and my flash gun for all the photos.

On another note, I'm quite impressed by the way the 30D handles ISO1600, doesn't seem to be very much noise at all!


IMG_4619 by Invertig0, on Flickr


IMG_4625 by Invertig0, on Flickr


IMG_4684 by Invertig0, on Flickr


IMG_4663 by Invertig0, on Flickr


IMG_4662 by Invertig0, on Flickr


IMG_4652 by Invertig0, on Flickr
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