The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Couple of random black n white conversions


Thanks, Its a toy from Japan called Danboard and made by a company called revoltech. It comes from a Japanese cartoon/comic called Yotsuba&! and is basically a girl dressed as a cardboard box robot. Its great for photography as all of its joint are movable and the eyes can light up also, so you can do many different expressions with it. You can only get them from Japan normally, think I payed nearly £40 for it with shipping.

Self xmas pressie sorted :D
how did you do that ?

Was accidental actually!

Was taken at during some fire spinning (staff, poi, juggling, etc.) at a firework display. The photo is of one of my friends on fire staff (I think), taken with a very high shutter speed, giving rise to those little wisps of flame :)
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Was accidental actually!

Was taken at during some fire spinning (staff, poi, juggling, etc.) at a firework display. This photo is of on of my friends on fire staff (I think), taken with a very high shutter speed, giving rise to those little wisps of flame :)

awsome dude sheer awsome.....;)
Well I'd agree with Dr.Jones with the crop up to the first twig from the bottom, because that bit is out of focus anyway and it just makes the photo too long.
Cropped and upped the saturation slightly
I prefer the original.. looks colder, and the large surrounding space gives a greater sense of isolation

I'd be tempted to slightly crop the right hand sand too just to get it back to a nice aspect ratio
It looks like a frozen lake to me, rather than sand..
I don't think Ducks typically hang around the beach :p
With that duck shot I would lower the saturation down to about say a quarter then up vibrancy to 3 quarters. Gives it a cool affect :)
A bit snowy last Friday:


(Was out for a walk rather than going out to take photos, so I just took my P&S. Mind you when i saw this image stitched I wished I had taken along my K100D + tripod :-/ )
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