The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Jonney what on earth is that awful effect on that photo of the 70-200 F2.8 mk ii? Looks like you took the photo on a toys r us plastic camera!
aha mr glancy!! how goes it good sir?

Great at the moment, shot my first wedding in a long while at the weekend! Hired an 85 1.2 for it aaaaaaaaaaand now i need one.

Got a load more that i'll end up posting through the week, forgotten how long it takes to trawl through photos :( haha

Still using your 24-105 btw :p

Devrij, it's combining multiple exposure adjustments of the same image. Takes a while, but it's worth it when you get the outcome you want :)

There's always one photo bomber! :p

Funnily enough I'm shooting his wedding at the end of the year :D
A couple of new ones :). I'm a bit annoyed about the framing of the first one (would have liked the spider more to the right of the frame) but that was the best I could do since I was using extension tubes (no AF) and had my arms outstretched with a lens at f16 using live view. I also had to zoom in 5 times in live view and move the camera back and forth to focus with the web blowing in the wind which made it near impossible along with my outstretched arm shaking from the weight of camera + flash. Oh well :p

IMG_2788 by B_Alexander, on Flickr

Spider In The Shadows by B_Alexander, on Flickr
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