The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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That's it. I'm going to buy the Sigma 50mm...i should have done it long ago!

Robbie, how do you find it? I'm just worried about getting a duffer...

I find very good mate, maybe I just got lucky though although online reports are positive are good all round online from what I saw before getting mine.

Can't wait to get home and process my photos from Stoke tomorrow!

Sneak peak :-P


Got loads of my neice and nephews on their garden jungle set too, 5d3 is epic for focus tracking in servo mode.
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Thanks. I actually set out to try and get some dragonfly shots whilst they were flying but we only saw one of them in the same spot we passed yesterday that was filled with loads! Both are really nice shots with the first being my fav out of the two + and I'm very envious lol.
Bit of a tight crop on that last one vertigo! Is it cropped or is that how it was framed mate? Which lens did you use for the spider shot as thats very close to what is normally a relatively small spider :O
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