No worries. They're both single exposures so no fancy blending or HDR or anything. The lighting on the trees was from my small camp fire. That's what give it the orange glow in the first shot. The second was the same although I'd just changed the hue of the orange channel in Lightroom to bring the trees back to green. The first shot was 15 seconds at ISO 2000, 17mm f/2.8 although that was then pushed a stop in Lightroom. The second shot was 30 seconds with the same settings and wasn't pushed at all in post. I had to actually pull the highlight details down in the second shot.
I'd have liked more time to play with different settings to get something a bit better but there wasn't much time before it was obscured again. I think if I was trying it again then I'd probably boost the ISO slightly in favour of a quicker shutter speed to prevent any movement showing in the stars. I'd kill for a 24mm f/1.4 for that kind of shot though. One can but dream.