The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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Nice shot of XH558 :)

I can never get that close to a dragon fly!

A few from a recent shoot:



Great B&W shots mrk and Rojin, ^ really like the Canary Wharf one too, magenta looks a bit too much though

No worries. They're both single exposures so no fancy blending or HDR or anything. The lighting on the trees was from my small camp fire. That's what give it the orange glow in the first shot. The second was the same although I'd just changed the hue of the orange channel in Lightroom to bring the trees back to green. The first shot was 15 seconds at ISO 2000, 17mm f/2.8 although that was then pushed a stop in Lightroom. The second shot was 30 seconds with the same settings and wasn't pushed at all in post. I had to actually pull the highlight details down in the second shot.

I'd have liked more time to play with different settings to get something a bit better but there wasn't much time before it was obscured again. I think if I was trying it again then I'd probably boost the ISO slightly in favour of a quicker shutter speed to prevent any movement showing in the stars. I'd kill for a 24mm f/1.4 for that kind of shot though. One can but dream. :D

Thanks, I've just never seen a shot with the stars that distinctive
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You're right, it's distracting. I don't know why that pink is even more pronounced in the water than on the building itself?
My home/work^ You probably even walked past me not even knowing the gravity of the awesome :D


Haha didn't know you were down there!

Nice place though first visit there. Gunwharf is excellent, nice food and drinks all over the place! Sitting outside by the sea front with a view of the sea and Spinnaker tower with a drink in the hand awesome place. Sure will be back next time to check out the history and HMS Warrior.
Very nice set.

Nice work Rojin, great quality in those shots. Mrk that dog looks absolutely scared **** less! :O

Great B&W shots mrk and Rojin,

Cheers :)

Rojin, his skin feels a tad too sharp. I guess that's the effect you were going for though.
Everything else is great, nice tones in the processing!

Yeah these are "un-beautified" shots :D I did tell him I can't make miracles...! I did run some through Perfect Portrait to smooth the skin but I just don't like that style of photography. So you might see them on LinkedIn etc but I won't be posting 'em! :)
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