The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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SCOTT! Please post more! I think these are fantastic, really like them! The lightening works so well :)



My brother in laws picture of my niece... I love his work, he is amazing!.. with his permission, I had to share. ;)

Title: Malice in Wonderland


Can't see anything here :(
Hey Jimmy, thank you... I'll keep at it.. I have some free time at the moment, I just need my models to be available... on that note..

I had my model from the previous shoot around again last night and we made a few more pictures... I have several that I'm very happy with... she is really learning to know exactly what I want from her, and I'm learning to communicate my thoughts better..


In the Tub

Wrap up for Christmas

Jimmy, its back up again!!
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The wallpaper backdrop is working nicely gotta say, going to spend some time in the home decor departments at The Range over the next couple of months :D
Just an observation, her face is quite textured.

I know I'm not a fan of the overly-smoothened effect in photoshop, but this seems to have gone the other way? I don't really know how I would rather have your shots so it's hard for me to be critical of it. I'm not a great people photographer so it might be best to ignore me ;)
No, its an opinion and a valid one...

It may be the fact that I come from video that I prefer detail in skin tones. I do very little work in post.. I don't often adjust the clarity slider although I do sharpen just a tad. The only thing I really do in post is blemish removal, and colour correction... I don't "hate" the smooth skin look, as it can look beautiful... I just prefer detail and most importantly detail in shadows.. :)
I just prefer detail and most importantly detail in shadows.. :)
As I say, I have no experience in portraiture but from my experience of looking at pictures of women on the internet (;)) I don't know if the extra detail is very flattering. The detail in her eyes, nose and mouth are excellent enough, it's just something about the skin. I think I do like the background and the lighting too :) I think your knowledge from the filmography world translates really well to stills!
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As I say, I have no experience in portraiture but from my experience of looking at pictures of women on the internet (;)) I don't know if the extra detail is very flattering. The detail in her eyes, nose and mouse are excellent enough, it's just something about the skin. I think I do like the background and the lighting too :) I think your knowledge from the filmography world translates really well to stills!

To be fair, I think you have a point. But slightly away from what you've said.

I love the photos, but:

Whilst I appreciate the extra detail in the skin, which is quite neat, I feel like it takes a bit away from the details in the eyes/mouth.

I'd probably do a split softening filter in post.

That said, it's an interesting style and is a nice picture, and if you like it, it is.

Mmmmm lady mouse!

Anyway, was back out tonight for a little bit with my new lens. Was trying to use the auto bracketing but this only worked at F4 as I found out! I was a bit confused at first when I tried to do bracketed shots at F10/F11 but I found that the maximum exposure without using bulb mode is 30 seconds :P

Anyway, here's two HDRs I took today. One daytime from one spot on the hill and a night time from a slightly different spot on the hill.

Lancing College Day HDR by Phal44, on Flickr

Lancing College Night HDR by Phal44, on Flickr
King Damager and Clown.. thank you both for your observations, if I am to make the crossover from video to photography I realise I have to treat them both differently... having experimented with a few techniques, I completely see where you are both coming from and I will start to treat the skin ( particularly on females ) with a less textured and softer approach..

Thanks guys...I appreciated your thoughts!
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