The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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One of the things I'm loving about starting in photography is getting out and about in new places. Already combined my passion for MTB + photography. Scuba and photography would be nice too but will probably leave me very poor + remortgaged :)
Slight de-sat of the lower portion of the image but an otherwise unfettled photo.

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Love the cave pictures MRK - they're brilliant :)

I took a walk through the woods earlier today and took around 150 pictures out of which only two or three looked decent :(

And I'll finish with a cheeky shot of me taking pictures:

Hope you like? Feel free to add comments / constructive criticism please?
Love the cave pictures MRK - they're brilliant :)

I took a walk through the woods earlier today and took around 150 pictures out of which only two or three looked decent :(

And I'll finish with a cheeky shot of me taking pictures:

Hope you like? Feel free to add comments / constructive criticism please?

Simple critique is you are going out at the wrong time of day mate! The light looks really hard on the first shot and obviously the last, meaning you are out in the pure sunshine. Best woodland shots are done either first thing in a morning or last thing at night imo. The gentle light, specifically golden hour light, really brings a nice mood to your images and gives your subject something special.


Evening light

Autumn Ellie by jjohnson2012, on Flickr

Morning light

Psilocybe semilanceata by jjohnson2012, on Flickr

Both taken in a local woodland in Hull.

I'd recommend going for just a walk during the hard light hours and pick out things that might be of photographic interest, then return when the light is right. Can do this for pretty much anything apart from wildlife.
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