The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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It was pretty much the first lens I bought after I got my 650d with the 18-135mm STM kit lens and I do love it :D
Today I took my camera to work, the weather was supreme, the right number of clods and the sun was nice. Perfect.


Spinnaker Tower - The other side by Robbie Khan, on Flickr

Spinnaker through the door by Robbie Khan, on Flickr

Gul by my side by Robbie Khan, on Flickr

Flickr sharpens the thumbed images, looks normal in Flickr!
Crap I forgot to crop it slightly *face parm*

Where is that from atmax1?

It is from the top of st thomas hospital, a family member had an appointment so I went so they wasn't alone and found that amazing view in the waiting room... I just wish there wasn't glass in the way lol.
The horizon is off too :)
Hospitals are pretty open places, I wonder if I have the guts to wander about the top floor...
Speaking of first true macro attempts.

Each time I look at this one, I get the impression the little fellow is posing for me (and cheekily sticking his tongue out too):


Getting stuck into some tasty pollen:


This guy was after the raindrops. He's standing on a lower leaf and tugging the upper one down so he could drink:

Sorry, should've probably mentioned that...shot on a Sony A580 with a Tamron 90mm F/2.8

I also added a Minolta No1 close-up filter for the first image.
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Not a spectacular photo, grabbed from an iPhone through the office window, but a spectacular subject earlier today.

Storm clouds Pic [IMG]


That looks awesome - you could almost expect the Alien spacecraft from Independence Day to break through the clouds any second :p

I know I've posted a few pictures in this section myself asking for feedback and opinions (which I appreciate :))

Well now it turns out my local newspaper has printed one of my pictures - here's the original:


And here's what they printed:

While I feel I'm still learning and have got loads to learn especially when I compare the quality of my pictures with others on here. It may only be our local paper, but I'm quite chuffed at getting one of my pictures printed.
Was given a new NDx400 filter of a mate few week ago out of the blue managed to get in a few shots today with it, first time trying out long exposure on water so have a lot to learn, these are a few i like


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