The "Post your pictures here" thread.

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What not to do

Dont try this at home children ! ! !
Please don't use this thread to discuss your moral standings of the origins of the picture. Countless pictures of graffiti go unscathed and urbexing is hailed. Use the other thread for that. I'd like feedback on any artistic merit to the shot, hence it being in here. Thanks.
I really like the top leaf pic there yan, care to explain how you took/processd the shot m8?

I just took it hand held, with the macro lens and the on board flash. Shutter speed at 1/4000 because it was windy, F11 so the DOF isn't too small, and ISO80 so it doesn't over expose. I then just processed it in light room, didn't do much though tbh, just made it a bit brighter and stand out more, then just cropped it and sharpened it in photo shop.

My Kenko extension tubes arrived and I'm using them at work...50mm f/1.8 extended with all tubes (12mm+20mm+36mm)...kinda pretty. Shot handheld. The spot is about 1.8mm diameter.

(Not 100% sure I'm not burning my eyes out doing this...:rolleyes:)
Shot from the last of the snow a few days back, early morning on the golf course. A bit noisy though. Incredibly, a few minutes later, a deer ran after the fox! The UK really is messed up at the moment...




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