Haha, I feel terrible today. This is my 'nam.
I read on reddit that this game was so important to some people that this one guy left his girlfriend in the hospital with appendicitis in a neighboring country, so that he could go back to London and watch it with his buddies. She had offered to pay for a hotel room for them, so that he could stay and watch it with her when she was discharged from medical care that same day, but he left her there after waiting outside of the hospital for 2 hours (always expect delays leaving the hospital).
A friend drove hours to get her, and she got back at 2AM only to be berated about the whole ordeal. Then he complained that she was an ahole for ruining the game for them by her calling him and texting him repeatedly, because the hospital would not discharge her from care unless she had someone to pick her up after she was stranded alone. Reddit is begging her to leave him, and I think he must be happy that he wont have to be the one to break off the relationship LOL. I think he was drinking as much as you. Wait, you're not him right? j/k