Hi guys
I'm sorry for bursting in as a new member, but I have a few questions on my overclock and would like to know how good it is and how much further I could push it with your advice.
My 6900XT is a MERC Black, on the stock cooler so air. Used Morepowertool to reach 330W power limit, I then add +15% in wattman. 2720/2500 clock range, 1120 memory, 1175mv.
In Time Spy, I've managed
21 687 graphics score (says invalid score because of tessellation for some reason, I have no idea why.) Here's an earlier score,
a bit lower at 21 400 but valid
In Firestrike Ultra same story, says invalid despite me not changing a thing so my best graphics score of
15 566 isn't valid but here's once again an earlier valid score of
The settings for the slightly lower scores are gaming stable, hours on end on Horizon Zero Dawn which is great stability test in my experience, found instabilities in my 3090 (coming back to that later) that even Cyberpunk didn't find, hours in Outriders, and a bit of cyberpunk play. For the highest scores I had vram at 2150 and I'm not seeing much of an uplift in gaming so I'm not sure it's actually stable, and not just correcting itself negating the gain. I haven't tried pushing the card to the absolute max for benchmark, I just went for gaming stable. So Maybe I can break 22k on air in TS?
So then comes the tricky thing. I also have a 3090. I'm super torn on which card to run daily. My 3090 while not a terrible OCer is nothing special but still it overall beats my 6900XT in games. However, if that 6900XT is indeed a golden sample, I might be able to tweak it more and maybe reach my 3090 (I'm at 3840x1600, ultrawide resolution that is 30% less pixels than 4k). If I can match the 3090, then I'll probably run the 6900XT. Such a fun card pushing what were CPU clocks not too long ago on a GPU! I've learned reading this thread that I should run 2112 for the memory so thanks, I've yet to try and see if it nets me an uplift though because I have the 3090 in the case atm.
Anyways! Apologies for the rambling, I have 3 questions :
1) Is my card a golden sample? I think my scores are really good even the slightly lower ones, especially considering I'm on air!
2) What settings can I tweak to get even more out of it? Both in benchies but also in games? I'd like to reach my 3090
3) Is it worth tweaking the voltage in MPT? If yes, what would you suggest?
4) bonus question: any idea why these latest scores say invalid despite me not touching a thing in the settings?