How's the ventilation in your case? I actually find that the Pulse has a really good fan curve out of the box and thermals are pretty ideal for me (never going above 66 at full beans, fan speed never exceeding 50%).
I'd rather it was slightly warmer if it meant it was quieter as well if anything.
Do you use a program already to manage case/cpu/aio fan speeds already? If so, you might be able to use that for the GPU (i.e. like a FanControl or ArgusMonitor).
If not, Adrenalin has got good options for setting fan curves too so you could use that.
I was the one who made a series of posts in this thread about FanControl causing issues - but that was because I wanted my 7900XT to manage it's own fan speeds and not use FanControl (essentially it was going to 50% speed as soon as it reached 50 deg and then increased from there).
Because I'd ticked the option in FanControl it was causing issues, outside of that it's been fine.