The reason I love tech

Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
You say that like the entire space program / space race wasn't one great big self centred circle jerk for no other reason than to do it before the Russians did (and the Russians to do it before the Americans), and that people don't get into it for the feel good factor of "I did that" or "I worked on that" due to id, ego and super ego.

It was more important than that. There were countries that might have gone one way or the other and the perceived success of either side was a factor in that. The USSR promoted its space program as evidence that its approach was better, so it was globally important for the USA to respond. It was a serious political issue with global implications, not just a self centred circle jerk. Ego, yes. Lots of self-centred stuff, yes. But not only that.
6 May 2009
I want to say that these tips and tricks of creating your own vpn or changing your gate way or IP address are not properly explained to a user. A normal user can not understand these technicality unless they are made easy to understand for layman.

Quite an old post but OcUK now has alerts! ...It's a good job a normal user doesnt know how to 'create their own vpn' or remote access environment or I would be out of a job. 'Creating' a VPN network or remote working envuironemt (be it Citrix or other) requires a great deal of knowledge (and money for the infrastructure)
30 Jun 2007
Quite an old post but OcUK now has alerts! ...It's a good job a normal user doesnt know how to 'create their own vpn' or remote access environment or I would be out of a job. 'Creating' a VPN network or remote working envuironemt (be it Citrix or other) requires a great deal of knowledge (and money for the infrastructure)

this may be a stupid wuestion, but I thought lots of home routers now had the ability to easily set up a vpn connection to them.
6 Jan 2013
So today I was listening to music on my phone. My phone was receiving internet via 4g, 10 times faster then our pathetic home ADSL. My tablet was tethered to my phone. I was using teamviewer to connect to my parents HTPC, and via this I was remotely downloading their favorite (free to view home movies) that had come out last night.
In that moment I sat back and realized just how cool technology is!
What was the last thing you guys did that made you go "wow"?
What was your last "oh god, technology is awesome" moment?

I recently experienced a moment like this when I was hunting through Amazon Music for something to listen to on the train on the way home. As the journey is almost 3hrs, I decided to tether my tablet to my phone and download some episodes of The Americans instead. A memory popped into my head; people used to join Britannia Music Club and get a catalogue through the post. They would then choose a CD that was discounted to £1 and that would be posted for to them to listen to. They then had to choose another half dozen full price CDs throughout the year... The YEAR! :p

We can now download a year's worth of Britannia Music Club to our phone in less than 5 minutes! The fact is, our modern technology has evolved from things like that music club. Amazon Video evolved from Lovefilm which was a similar mail order service.

Before all of that, it was cassettes and proper piracy. I remember when high speed dubbing came out, and it was a technological revolution for those that couldn't afford full price cassettes. :D
24 May 2017
Quite an old post but OcUK now has alerts! ...It's a good job a normal user doesnt know how to 'create their own vpn' or remote access environment or I would be out of a job. 'Creating' a VPN network or remote working envuironemt (be it Citrix or other) requires a great deal of knowledge (and money for the infrastructure)
Thanks for understanding my PAIN ;)
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