***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

|Thomas| said:
What kind of defenses have you got? That seems incredibly overkill to me

1*Small Shield
1*Large Shield

According to SpeedSim, I'll take out well over 100 of his light fighters before he beats me, and I have enough res to rebuild anything he destroys, but it's res I'm trying to save for research as I really want a Nanite factory, so if I rebuilt my defences I'd be pretty annoyed.
|Thomas| said:
What kind of defenses have you got? That seems incredibly overkill to me. The biggest fleet my attacker has ever sent was 90 battleships
More ships = less losses
but also
More ships = more deut

If he was going for the res in the first place, then the duet for fuel is already spent. (as soon as you click proceed)
So even if there is no res left, as long as he will not loose many ships on the target planet - There isn't much reason to cancel.

If anything, it weakens that one player so that he keeps the competition down in his area.

A bit poo, but it's not a very friendly game when res is concerned! :p
Captain Fizz said:
More ships = less losses
but also
More ships = more deut

If he was going for the res in the first place, then the duet for fuel is already spent. (as soon as you click proceed)
So even if there is no res left, as long as he will not loose many ships on the target planet - There isn't much reason to cancel.

If anything, it weakens that one player so that he keeps the competition down in his area.

A bit poo, but it's not a very friendly game when res is concerned! :p
Meh, if he wants to lose 100+ ships that's his business. It'll give me a tiny chance of a moon (probably 1-2%), so if I get very lucky he may even be doing me a favour.
Davey_Pitch said:
Meh, if he wants to lose 100+ ships that's his business. It'll give me a tiny chance of a moon (probably 1-2%), so if I get very lucky he may even be doing me a favour.
Yep - Go moonchance!! :D
(I sooo want a moon)

And get your recyclers ready - Off the main planet of course.
But sent out just in time to recall and send to your new DF.
(Takes 7 mins to reach your home planet's DF)

Or you could get one of us to probe attack you, you then send the recyclers to the DF field 6 mins before the attack arrives - Ensure you get the DF and not him.
ooh, just harvested a debris field with 90k crystal in it, easy money :D :D

Also found a planet to raid, tis 70 solar systems away but no fleet and no defences and over 100k metal/crysta so my small cargo's are on their way :)
SKILL said:
ooh, just harvested a debris field with 90k crystal in it, easy money :D :D

Also found a planet to raid, tis 70 solar systems away but no fleet and no defences and over 100k metal/crysta so my small cargo's are on their way :)

Of course, the annoying thing about those distances is that often someone closer sees them too, so you only end up with whatever is left afterwards :p
has anyone here got an alliance in uni1 that could have space for a new(2 1/2 weeks) member. my friend has just made one and offered me a place but chances are he'll get stomped pretty quick as he doesn't read forums. cheers all :)
Captain Fizz said:
Yep - Go moonchance!! :D
(I sooo want a moon)

And get your recyclers ready - Off the main planet of course.
But sent out just in time to recall and send to your new DF.
(Takes 7 mins to reach your home planet's DF)

Or you could get one of us to probe attack you, you then send the recyclers to the DF field 6 mins before the attack arrives - Ensure you get the DF and not him.
I've sent everything away now, but I'm going to recall it so it arrives a few minutes after he's hit me. There's no other fleet coming, so assuming there is a nice big debris field, no-one will beat me to it.
UncleBob said:
Of course, the annoying thing about those distances is that often someone closer sees them too, so you only end up with whatever is left afterwards :p

Indeed, but even after someone has taken 50% i'd still get a reasonable amount, just wish i could find the same kind of targets i was getting last week, there was even one bloke with well over 400k metal and 250k crystal who didn't have any defences at all, sent in 3 waves and relieved him of that...
Bah, no moon from the attack, and to rebuild my defences to the way they were it's going to cost me 323000 Metal, 166000 Crystal, and 6000 Deuterium. It's only going to set me back a day or so, but it's still annoying. I'll remember him, and when I have a big enough fleet (or a long enough range on my IPM's), I'm going to burn his planet to the ground.
Davey_Pitch said:
...There's no other fleet coming, so assuming there is a nice big debris field, no-one will beat me to it.
You never see the recyclers...

So if he sent them in to an existing DF field outside your planet, and timed it correctly...
His fleet attacks
His fleet leaves
His recyclers pick up debris
Your fleet arrives home.

That's how it's supposed to be done... But whether he has bothered I guess we'll find out.

Apparently you are supposed to time it so that the recyclers arrive with as short a time span between the attack and their arrival.
This ensures the attacker get's the res from the field.

Same goes for the defender - Get the recyc's there before the attacker.

But this is obviously dependent on your attacker knowing this! And by the sounds of it (letting the fleet go ahead) he quite well might not! :p
True, I forgot about that. Hopefully no-one will beat me to it, there's 111K of metal there and 55k of crystal, so it'll go some way to help me rebuild my defence.

Edit: Think I'll need to send me recyclers out twice, not got enough to get it all in one go.
davey i take it he just hit you ? the debris field at gaiden is pretty big :(

did you loose all defences or can you repair ?

oops too late

if i had any recyclers on my planet near you i woulda collected some for you :(

my tng planet is coming along nicely so im just branching colonys out into each galaxy now o try and spread out my attacks
I've still got a fairly decent defence, so only the biggest fleets will bother attacking me. I'm still going to concentrate on my research, and just use the spare resources here and there to rebuild my defence. Getting my small shield dome rebuilt is my priority though, as along with the large dome it creates quite a nice buffer from attacks.
Captain Fizz said:
What lvl of Research lab do you have?
I have lvl 8 and it's:
Production time: 22h 45m 20s

And just clicked that button two hours ago. :D That was A LOT of deut. :eek:
(OK, piddly amount compared to what some people have... 2.xxx.xxx one person had. Yes, I lost the probes...)

i have research lab level 9 and robotics thing level 10 - dont know how much difference that'll make :p
fRostiE said:
i have research lab level 9 ...
Ahh... So 1 level of research lab = 2 hours diff on a 22 hour research...
Hmm, think I'll save the pennies for summat else - Like the Intergalactic Research Network. :D
(I believe that only the research lab lvl determines how long researches take)

And all I need to do now is save 1mill metal (and 500 Crystal) for Nanites.
(The 100K deut should be OK)

Urk... Need to upgrade the storage plenty too then!
andy8271 said:
oh noes im out of noob protection :O
I worried at first as well mate, but as long as you don't keep much res on your planets you'll be fine. Hell, I've only been scanned so far by people I've scanned first. It can be a worry, but be smart, fleet/res save, and you'll be fine.
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