***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

I flapped when I came out of n00b protection, but to be honest I've not really been approached by anyone in the hundreds of battleships category since it happened - possibly me having a moon makes me look more militarily advanced and capable than I actually am.

I have been scanned (twice) by a chap after I cleaned out all his colonies in revenge for crashing my fleet, but my espionage was evidently too high for him as he tried to hit back and lost his entire fleet :D

Just don't forget to resource save / fleet save and you'll probably be fine.
so you guys send your ships and resources on a little trip when you go off to bed ?

i've never done it, might be something i should do tho really since im hoping to save for a nanite factory soon !

brynn came out of noob protection then went swiftly back into it after loosing his battleships and a fair few resouces :(

makes you think twice !
fRostiE said:
so you guys send your ships and resources on a little trip when you go off to bed ?

I used to do it a lot, now I only do it if I don't have many resources on my planet (or I res save them as well). Getting 350 battle ships sent at you kinda scares you somewhat, so I'm more cautious with my fleet now. I now try to have them back home from raids before I go to bed, then I'll fleet save overnight, and start raiding again in the morning.
Indeed - One thing EVERYONE should do - Fleetsave.

And stick your res in your fleet.

If you do not have any resources -> You are not a target.
Resources include fleets... Which are mobile resources.
All someone needs to do is crash the fleet, send out a few recyclers - Viola - He has 30% of those resources requred to build the fleet.

So if your fleet is in transit whilst you sleep, along with your res... You can get to sleep at night. ;)
(Or sit and have a meal comfortably... Not worrying about your ships that have been back for just over an hour... Like last Friday... :o )
EDIT - The not being able to sleep was a slightly alcohol related event... Still had to save my fleet before I could nod off!
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I never do it if I'm away for an hour or so, as most fleets take longer than that to arrive, so I can always shove everything into a fleet and make it disappear. If I'm away for more than 2 hours I'll do it though.
I always fleetsave now - losing a fleet was too much of a pain to do again! Whilst I'm away, the only ships at any planet will be whatever comes out of the build queue overnight.

Everything else goes on a recycler run via the moon to the nearest debris field at 10% or so - longer voyages cost more deuterium. All my available resources are loaded up prior to departure and I doubt any players will find the quantities that are manufactured overnight are worth the cost of breaching my defences.
I've not felt the need to fleetsave so far, well apart from sending my cargo's/recyclers/probes away when i was being attacked...

If i'm gonna be away for a long time i spend all my resources meaning they have to defeat a fleet and some defence for a gain of just a couple of k of resources, doubt many people would bother...

But when i start needing to save for researches i'll probably resource save at least then...
SKILL said:
I've not felt the need to fleetsave so far, well apart from sending my cargo's/recyclers/probes away when i was being attacked...

If i'm gonna be away for a long time i spend all my resources meaning they have to defeat a fleet and some defence for a gain of just a couple of k of resources, doubt many people would bother...

But when i start needing to save for researches i'll probably resource save at least then...
As Fizz mentioned though, your fleet *are* resources, so if you have a big expensive fleet sat around doing nothing that cost 1mil to make, they're worth 333k to someone, someone who may well decide they want it. After almost losing all my fleet, I now know to fleet save all the time as it's the only way to make sure my fleet and my res remain safe.
Seems like a few of us learned the hard way.
Didn't realise you'd had a big loss Davey. I know Memphisto and Brynn got stung quite badly, and I did too. All within the last few days as well. But it's a lesson learnt, it's just a shame none of us got a moon.

If I missed any one else of that list I appologise, but less than a week ago I was tussling for position on the T.N.G leader board with those that I've mentioned, and we've all fallen back quite a bit recently :(
i had part of my fleet destroyed, only a tiny bit though, my neighbour sent a probe, then 12 HF and 6 cruisers, my defenses minced him ,but lost a few ships, so now I fleet save as much as poss, not got any resources though, probably <10,000 on each
Nah, my loss wasn't really big (unless you're talking about my attack a couple of pages ago), it was nothing compared to some of the other guys. I've already attained enough res to rebuild everything lost (and that's after starting research on computer tech level 9), but I'm going to try to keep the res so I can get computer tech level 10, and then hopefully the nanite factory. At the rate I'm going I could have the factory in a couple of days, disasters permitting.
Does anyone have any Deuterium to trade? I need another 250k so I can research computer tech level 10, and I'm having trouble finding targets with anywhere near enough Deut to raid. Don't expect anyone to have that much, but any to trade would be helpful. Metal (up to 400k) and Crystal (up to 200k) is available to trade with. Either let me know on here or pm me in game (Davey_Pitch, 2:240:9, Gaiden).
I got minced for about 800k of defences but the attacker got zero.

he used abot 6-8 IPM's which wiped out all my heavy lasers / ion cannons / small lasers If I remember correctly bvut as i fleetsaved and moved all my resources off planet he got nothing.

back up and running now though and rather surprisingly got some anti ballistic missiles pronto which i hope are used to shoot down IPM's ?

also got a stroger defence and quite a bigger fleet with a few more battleships cruisers etc, gonna concentrate on defences and fleet till the weekend i before i go back to researching.

On the upside currently got 5 colonies. field wise 45, 111, 111, 167, 187. all coming along nicely and starting to impact my resources quite a bit now, just need to get some defences / fleets going on those planets as well.
fRostiE said:
brynn came out of noob protection then went swiftly back into it after loosing his battleships and a fair few resouces :(

Hacked me off, lost 2k worth of points.
I've got quite a lot of deut about 120, but I really need metal and crystal to rebuild my fleet.
The only problem is that half of that is in the T.N.G area, but if I send it overnight it can arrive for a time tomorrow of your choice. The rest is in galaxy 4 can send that now or tomorrow morning if you don't want it stored overnight.
Sending now is fine by me Dan. How much metal and crystal do you want? If we use the 3:2:1 system for trading like most people do, I can give you 180k metal and 120k crystal for the 120k deut if that's good with you. Just let me know where to send it. :)
Send it to my home planet, which you'll find in the alliance members list next to Unquenchable. Do you want me to send to your main planet? The one next to your name in the members list?

Edit - I've sent the first 70k to your main planet, the next 50k will be in about 10 minutes when my other cargos get back to my other panet.
And the deal you mentioned sounds good :) 180k metal, 120k crystal.

ETA - 5:30 this morning for the first 70k
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