***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

keep the cargoes there too - I have 150k metal and 100k crystal at my newest colony, but keeping the cargoes there to lift it all offworld if an attack comes.
SKILL said:
Hmm, that last post, 'Looks like TUPA is back on the menu..'

From one of the biggest alliances (PU) and he himself is ranked 30th...

could be interesting...
It looks like he's seen what's gone on and has decided he wants to side with us on this. He could be enough to stop TUPA attacking us, especially if he can muster up some of his alliance mates to our aid.
from jango fett the man himself :

I just think that Spartan51 is a bigmouth, and I like to put my fleet in it for him now and again.

TUPA is weak, and they get smacked around regularly.

hes in PU by the looks of it...

i think PU and trinity are the 2 we need alliances with. most of their players are in the top 100!

i would even make a dent in them lol. im only 661000 points behind 1st lol.
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fRostiE said:
why would he go through the roof ?

non of us here want an attack, because we cant handle being pounded by 500 battleships...

if i had 500 battleships and it was an even match i'd probably be up for it like, but theres no point 500 v's my 25, no contest really is there
He knows one of the people in TUPA in real life (Tok'ra) and by the sounds of it, they hate each other.

Anyway if we have PU members siding with us I think we'll be fine :p
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As an aside to the current plot, if anyone remembers the guy I was bartering with and trying to get him not to destroy my defences, I've just been checking him and noticed he's been put into vacation mode and blocked. Hope it's nothing to do with me, I don't fancy an angry powerful guy against me :D
Ian Mac said:
Deka, I am building some cruisers at the mo and will launch them later tonight so i will probably not be able to send anything until tomorrow morning, it will take around 5 hours for them to arrive as well so expect something tomorrow sometime.

Uni 7 is quite a tough uni by the sound of it, lots of good players around which should make things intersting. I also have a second login for uni 3 so you can have both, its up to you.

Also you can join the SCUM alliance (two of us so far) Rich99million is not all that far from you in galaxy 3.

thats fine, i wont be on again till tomorrow morning after this anyway.

thanks, don't worry unless you can spare the stuff and the ships to move it etc.

you can have two accounts then? cool might start a new one in uni8 then. might well join your alliance, but would it make me more of a target for anyone?
Right got a few colony ships I need to send out and colonize some planets. Alrdy got two in the 8th and 2nd planet slots. What planets should I try find and how far apart? Can someone give me a brief summary on what I should be looking to build on some new colonized planets? Eg. One with concentration on making high lvl mines or one with focus on producing ships etc?
Position wise i'd say go around ~100 solar systems from your home planet, that way you increase you possible raiding area by a fair bit (assuming ~50 solar systems either side, that's a range of 200 solar systems or almost half of that galaxy)

Also aim for either a 4-6 or a 13-15 position planet, these (theoretically) give the highest number of fields, the 13-15 will produce more deut per level of mine, but the 4-6 will get the better energy from solar satellites to power the deut mines...

As for build order, i'd go roughly:
Solar, Metal, Metal, Solar, Metal Crystal, Solar, Metal, Metal... etc etc

maybe add in a few deut mines once your metal/crystal reach ~8-12, once metal/crystal reach 15+ i'd start in earnest on the deut mines, robotics factorys and shipyards
The planets which get the highest field numbers, on average, are 4-6.
The next biggest, 7-9.
The 1-3 planets are sigificantly smaller.
(Although I got a 178 field #15 planet)

These are only average values... If you get less than 100 fields I'd say surrender the colony before spending too much time on it.
EDIT - Except 1-3 planets, then 70's good. :p


pos1: average: 64, 60% between 48 and 80 fields
pos2: average: 68, 60% between 53 and 83 fields
pos3: average: 73, 60% between 54 and 82 fields
pos4: average: 173, 60% between 108 and 238 fields
pos5: average: 167, 60% between 95 and 239 fields
pos6: average: 155, 60% between 82 and 228 fields
pos7: average: 144, 60% between 116 and 173 fields
pos8: average: 150, 60% between 123 and 177 fields
pos9: average: 159, 60% between 129 and 188 fields
pos10: average: 101, 60% between 79 and 122 fields
pos11: average: 98, 60% between 81 and 116 fields
pos12: average: 105, 60% between 85 and 129 fields
pos13: average: 110, 60% between 60 and 160 fields
pos14: average: 84, 60% between 42 and 126 fields
pos15: average: 101, 60% between 54 and 149 fields
The fieldnumbers are posibilitys, different numbers are always possible

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Btw, i'm currently making myself a spreadsheet, it'll have the people i've attacked (bar purely revenge attacks that weren't overly profitable) and also alliances

My main task is for it to create a 'To-Do list' which atm is gonna tell me about targets that i should think about attacking again (eg i haven't attacked them for 2 or more days) and also probing targets i've noticed but were then too strong for me to attack,

so far i've got it working out and storing the date, and selecting different cells cause it's gonna need to search through the 'last attacked' field for dates older than 2 days, shouldn't take me a huge amount longer :p (using VBA btw)

Theory being i just need to login, open up the spreadsheet, it creates me a to-do list and i launch my fleets :p

can anybody think of anything else that could be useful to add to it?
A whiners list, tracking the names of everyone that sent you a PM for probing one of their colonies :p

Hmm - just got my moon probed by [PU] Charon.
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My sheet has the aliance names, members and points as locally I have an alliance called Trinity and they have 38 members so you think I will have a pop at them then you see they have over 7000 points so then you wonder, errr maybe not.
SKILL said:
can anybody think of anything else that could be useful to add to it?

the defence upon the last espionage... the time and date of the last attack, maybe colour co -ordinate it green for attack, red if youve attacked 3 times within 24 hours ?


p.s. i'd be interested in a copy if you wouldnt mind, when youve got it sussed that is :D
Yeah, i've setup a second worksheet which i intend to put the top 100 or so alliances into, i've also got out allies and the alliance we have a nap with as well just incase they aren't in the top 100 (i think i've probed some of our allies already but hey, don't think i've attacked anyone :p)

Whiners list will be added shortly :p

Colour coding shouldn't be too hard (i think :p) the defence i should be able to manage as well, lots for me to do :p
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