***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

fRostiE said:
how much does a plasma cannon cost to build ?

im gonna guess 50k metal... and some crystal / deut :p

-- be interested in the actual cost tho please
The costs of things are listed here: http://www.ogame224.de/forum/thread.php?threadid=635
"Plasma Cannon ; 50.000 metal, 50.000 crystal, 30.000 deuterium"

andy8271 said:
i really really need to get rid of this 100k deut guys. ive been ferrying it back and forwards allday as that musical guy is only a few solar systems and away and has already probed me.

need some crystal and metal for recyclers/battleships
I should be able to take that off your hands.
200k metal, 75k crystal sound ok? (don't have 300k metal atm :o)

fRostiE said:
i have 180 fields in in slot number 14 !

I have 201 fields in a slot number 15 ;)

SKILL said:
can anybody think of anything else that could be useful to add to it?
It's good to know if they have good mines.
I've got a target will mines of levels 17/18 (he gets attacked 3 times a day - the poor guy :p).

Damn it this thread grows fast.
andy8271 said:
yes thats fine my fleetsave with it on wont be back for an hour and a half though.
cool, I needed some time for my cargos to arrive back anyway. :)
I'm gonna send the resources from my colony, but can you send the deut to my home planet (coords shown in the alliance members list).

Do you want these resources at your home planet, or somewhere else?
Aye, the alliance sheet currently has the 'fields' - Position, Alliance Tag, Members and Score, it is literally gonna be a copy of the statistics page, but one were you don't have to exit the galaxy view to see/search it :p
i already have a text file with co-ords of people i raid from ranging 60 in one direction to 60 in the other direction, so i cover approx 120 galaxys

most of them arn't in alliances, and non of them have messages me to say.. oi what you playing at or anything, so until they do... i shall continue !
I could possibly create (and host) an online version, but not till i've finished the excel version, got a month of boredom before uni anyway so might as well :p
My work at the minute consists of 4 A4 sheets covered in co-ordinates with all the resources of the players at them. I've another sheet I record attacks on and highlight them all so that I don't end up going over my attack limit on anyone.
I try to keep ahead of myself so that when I get up for work I pretty much know where my fleet is heading that day so that I don't get tied up in the mornings trying to probe everywhere while spilling cornflakes & coffee over my keyboard in a mad rush to get out.
I'm spending way too much time on this game. ;)
I just carry a notepad around with me and jot various notes down in there, such as who I've probed, what the player name is, and whether I've attacked them or not. Helps me keep track of things.
LMAO, Tachyon I am so like that but messier. I have Coordinates written every where at home and at work on any bit of paper. I mean anywhere, rizlas & the packets, post its, spare space on any printed paper the works.
UncleBob said:
If you have the paid version, you can keep all your messages for a week. Just check your combat messages and times to see if you can raid again :)
Aye, it's very handy, glad I decided to get it now. Also helps when looking through the galaxy screen to see who I've probed recently :)
Im actually glad I didnt jump in with the Nanite factory at the moment - it looks like by spending those resources elsewhere, I'll have a couple of brand new colonies up to the same resource production and factory levels as my home planet within a couple of days :)

One colony (197 slot) I started this morning is just working towards level 15 solar, and is sat in a prime patch of farmland. My fleet gets there tomorrow :p
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