***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

as it stands 24hrs game play I have
Metal mines 7
Crystal Mines 6
Deuterium synth. 2
Solar gens. 7
Robot Fact. 1
Research Lab 1

waiting on more matierals to come out of the ground now :\
havnt said what i have yet :/

Metal = 10
crystal = 7
Deuit = 3
Solar Plant = 10
Robotics = 2
research = 1

still need to get my mines higher!
same here, ever time i close the window i open it again just to watch the resource go up, even to figure out what would be my best next upgrade etc.

argh !
someone call a doctor we have an epidemic on our hands :D

but yea, im forever checking it every few minutes and planning my next move, or who im gonna raid and battle next lol, its fun actually sitting here, pressing a few numbers, and a few clicks of the mouse, with a nice cold beer...so relaxing lol
KnightStalker said:
its fun actually sitting here, pressing a few numbers, and a few clicks of the mouse, with a nice cold beer...so relaxing lol

makes a flippin change from zooming round a track on LFS2, shooting the living **** out of people/things on GTA:SA or playing BF2 like a loony

just nice with an ice cold beverage, desk fan on low, good DVD running in the background :) and popping on the forums when i get email alerts... :D
About solar satellites:

After a while, they become the cheapest way to create energy, but at a price. First of all, they cost no metal. They are very good at filling gaps. Make sure that however many satellites are around your planets giving energy, you will be able to make back in one day or less in case they get blown to pieces.

Planets closest to position 1 in the solar system get the best solar satellites. They produce energy night AND day.

About noob protection:

Any player with less than 20% of your score is noob protected to you, and you are protected against attacks from anyone with more than five times your score. Any target on the galaxy screen in green is a noob to you, and a target in red means that you are a noob to him.

About mines:

Your need for metals in the start of the game is HUGE. Metal is what constitutes most of your buildings, and a little more than half of your fleet cost. I find that whatever level metal mine, i get two less levels of crystal. I did this on all my planets. It allows you to keep high level solar plants relatively cheap, and my best colony was a level 25 metal / 23 crystal producer. Check the numbers on that :)
Having crystal two less levels than metal means that you produce half as much crystal as metal. This is useful as the powerful ships like battleships usually cost you a ratio of 2:1 metal to crystal.

Deuterium production isn't as important at the start of the game, get level 10 or something and then raid anything you need extra, as by then you will have a reasonably good espionage level and a good offensive fleet to target those around you who are foolish enough to forget about making a ship yard and at least SOME defense, or to keep from leaving loads of resource lying around for people to steal.

About colonies:

Sooner or later - and it really, really should be sooner - you will be able to get a colony ship. Colony placement is important. Positions 4 to 9 are the best to get large planets. I found positions 13-15 were good too. One personal rule to think about:


Because later on in the game, small planets are a real pain in the backside. Formulas for deuterium production and solar satellite production are based on temperature, not planet location.

Planets closer to position 1 get the best solar satellites as they are the warmest.
Planets closer to position 15 get the best deuterium production as they are the coldest. However, fusion power plants also consume more deuterium on these planets, but you still come out on top, unless your fusion plants are stupidly big, which they won't be, considering how expensive they get.
so a deuterium mine is best on a planet in slot 15 as it will produce more than a deuterium mine on a planet in slot 5 at the same mine level ?


also could anybody spare some metal ?

Xeon Prime - 4:262:10

thanks :)
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unlucky brynn..i havent lost any of my fleet yet, but if anyone has some spare cyrstal laying around, after helping some people i left myself short and now in desperate need of some...

planet name Viluxia
co.ords 3:63:8
KnightStalker, gonna send you all my crystals mate :) Its only 2.2k but better than nothing. Gonna take 5hours!
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So I think posting about this game availabilty was a good idea, and have succesfully gobbled up a lot of OCLK's users time.
I now have you a hypnotised and you are under my power !!!!!!
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