***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Just wanna say it's good to see that we got a decent group of people on here who are willing to help eachother out.

I currently have

Metal Mine (Level 7 )
Crystal Mine (Level 7 )
Deuterium Synthesizer (Level 6 )
Solar Plant (Level 9 )
Robotic Factory (Level 3 )
Shipyard (Level 2 )
Research Lab (Level 1 )

Loving this game.

Just a pain when you gotta wait for resources to build up.

Like waking up in the morning and seeing a nice amount of resources :D
ive got lots of stuff now
MM lvl 11
Crystal lvl 10
Deaut lvl 8
solar lvl 11
robot lvl 2
shipyard lvl 2
research lvl 1

computer tech lvl 1
energy tech lvl 2
engine tech lvl 2
lasrer tech lvl 1

thats about what ive got, plus my little fleet, so im doing alright
3hours 27 mins left for my little fleet to deliver some goods to you hardkore...sorry about the low ammount, but at least its even accros the board, im slowly building my fleet up so maybe in the future it will be a bigger number
dont be sorry mate, those resources are resources i dont have and i need everything i can get :) I should be alrite once my fleet is sorted out and i can pillage my way to richness!
Looks like you've quite a collective in your system, they've maybe ripped the planet dry already. My system has a fair few strong players, doesn't look good for raiding...
well just completed my 2nd fleet of 4 small cargo ships, and 8 light fighters, sending the cargo ships to unverse 5 to raid someone who hasnt been online for 4 weeks lol
well i got 2 idle players in mine but the rest is strong :(

EDIT: WOOT first raid :D

The attacker has won the battle!
He captures
2500 Metal, 1762 Crystal and 0 Deuterium
I have one Q, upgrading mines/solar etc, does the level ever stop, or does it just keep going till you fill all the fields on a planet?

hardkore: nice!
this is getting addictive, i have 2 accounts... just because i created one on uni 1 and then one on uni 3 to join this TNG group

jus trying to figure out the best way of going about things

im gonna concentrate on getting my metal up to 5000 per hour
then do the same on Crystal... currently on 530 metal / hour and 300 crystal / hour

also trying to figure out if the solar satalite is an effective way of getting energy since it doesnt produce fully all day round... so for now im leveling up my power stations and mines to try and get a good flow of resources, then go from there :D

someone tell me if im doing something wrong :/
fRostiE said:
this is getting addictive, i have 2 accounts... just because i created one on uni 1 and then one on uni 3 to join this TNG group

jus trying to figure out the best way of going about things

im gonna concentrate on getting my metal up to 5000 per hour
then do the same on Crystal... currently on 530 metal / hour and 300 crystal / hour

also trying to figure out if the solar satalite is an effective way of getting energy since it doesnt produce fully all day round... so for now im leveling up my power stations and mines to try and get a good flow of resources, then go from there :D

someone tell me if im doing something wrong :/

Solar sats are so-so, There good if you just need a little top up, but if you get attacked there gone for good.
Dredg said:
Solar sats are so-so, There good if you just need a little top up, but if you get attacked there gone for good.

Just how much power do the give? Or is it relative to the level of your solar plants?
im planet 9, so assuming it runs from the nearest to the sun outwards im pretty far away

the 1 i currently have running is chucking out 50.. which is the highest i've seen it

what level mines do people have, and how are they powering them (ie what level solar plant / satalite ?)
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