***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Peronally I think the best tactic against the better players, is to be friendly.
Talk to them nicely and use your charm. The worst that can happen is nothing - no differnece. if it works out well you may have a powerful ally b :)
The $6m Dan said:
Peronally I think the best tactic against the better players, is to be friendly.
Talk to them nicely and use your charm. The worst that can happen is nothing - no differnece. if it works out well you may have a powerful ally b
Indeed - That has worked really well for me, and I have gained quite a few tips etc from them too.

Even the guy who didn't speak to me much advised that I wouldn't be a target for him for about 2~3 weeks. :p
And EVERYONE reminds you to Fleetsave.

I'm thinking of just setting my main fleet on deploy missions to the colonies, as raiding from my main planet has almost stopped.
(Sometimes takes 7 hours for a raid I have to go so far out)

Also, made a NAP with a few due to talking, and one member of TURKS advised me that if anyone from TURKS was about to attack me, just say that I was his mate and the attack SHOULD be called off. :D

And davew - I would start raiding... You should have a high enough mine level to research SC's and esp tech fairly quickly... Get a few probes and cargo's and start hunting the inactives.

The quickest way to progress IMHO is raiding. (And accoring to #60 or so in Uni3)
It will give you FAR more than your mines too.

And having more than one planet...
fRostiE has kept himself to 3 planets - And if it was not for a few attacks (bad luck... /sniff... :( ) then he would be equal NP's... He'll even have nanites shortly! :eek:
(Looong way off for me)

But I've colonised many planets.
OK, the main planet isn't progressing as quickly, but my 2nd raiding colony is doing very well compared to main planet.
(Will soon catch up)
And you can raid from 2 or 3 planets instead of just one - Increasing your "safe" attack area. (Read - Raiding inactives!)
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davew said:
been playing now for about 5/6 days just been building mines
metal mine (level 12)
cystal (level 10)
duet (level 7)
solar planet (level 13)
robotics (level 2)
shipyard (level 3)
reasearch (level 2)
i know from what i've read that most people would be thinking of starting to go on raids but i was thinking of just building up res and maybe getting another planet going before i start building a fleet to start raiding, do you think this is a bad idea? :)

get yourself a few small cargos and research large cargos asap. i made a mistake in waiting so long. theres so many inactives out there its worth pushing the combustion research first.
mate if you raid you progress much faster than waiting for mines to churn out resources

how else are you going to afford a nanite factory :p 1,000,000 metal ! and the rest :p
no more than 3 waves in 24hrs. a wave consists of 3 lots of ship attacking within 30mins of the previous fleet. ie 3 lots of 3 attacks. but they must be within 30mins of each other to be classed as a single attack.
Neolink said:
hmm ok, think i have hit one of his planets about 6 times today and his other one 2 times :/ , he is (i) though...
That is bashing - You can get banned.
Other planets of the same player is OK.
Each planet is it's own entity with regards to the bashing rule.
And Esp probing is not covered by the bashing rule.

Read the bashing rules - V important:
Bashing Rule
Even those who are not completely clear on the matter - Read it too!

Just won my first real fight against an active (but carp) player with some light defences.
Lost nothing, and captured 30k resources. Very chuffed with myself.

Before this i've been sticking to inactive people without defences, but it was proving pretty fruitless.
Neolink said:
oops ok then, i'll keep that rule in mind, had a feeling there was something like that in effect :( hopefully he wont notice and report me :p
If he's active he probably will, it's the first thing I'd do if someone had raided me 6 times, sorry mate :(
3 waves max to each attack, 3 attacks max within 24 hours

each wave MUST be within 30 mintutes of the first wave to actually be a wave as a pose to being a seperate attack

and yeh, bannable offence... dont do it !!!
andy8271 said:
yeah if your banned your resources are just going to get pilaged
It depends, for some things you get put in vacation mode and then banned. I can't remember the exact punishment for bashing though...
undilutedethics said:
1. how do you build a moon base?
2. anyone like to join an alliance in uni2 - SHODAN (based on system shock 2 story)
1 - Get a moon.
Ship res to it
Click build.

2 - Not in any other Uni but 3 myself I'm afraid...
(And it's taking too much time as it is! :p )
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