***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

TechnoScream said:
thanks thats good advice, at 297 chry i dont think im in too much danger then :P

im miles away mate. i cant afford to let my cargos go at the mo as ive just been probed twice! :eek:

fleet save tonight i think... espesh as i have 150k of each sitting around at the mo. :(
mrk1@1 said:
Is it possible to transfer fleets from one planet to another so they will be based there instead of their home planet and send some cargo along in those ships.

yep, select the ships you wanna send, type in the co-ords and instead of attack or transfer

click deployment... then they're deployed to that planet :)
i think its called deployment.

am i right to be worried by this?

Resources on Mond [2:336:7] at 08-12 20:06:49
Metal: 51153 Crystal: 19573
Deuterium: 153816 Energy: 8748

Chance of counterespionage:35%

im guessing hes quite high!!!

and my cargos dont get back for 2hrs!!! its 1hr from his with cruisers! poo.
fRostiE said:
hi energy levels suggest hes very high

my output is 4000.. its gets very pricey for energy after 4k

i wouldnt annoy that guy :/

er... hes probed me twice when i had 150k of each on my planet!

ive since ploughed it all into battleships so it only show 60k crystal and 60k deut... hopefully that will put him off.
helpimcrap said:
i think its called deployment.

am i right to be worried by this?

Resources on Mond [2:336:7] at 08-12 20:06:49
Metal: 51153 Crystal: 19573
Deuterium: 153816 Energy: 8748

Chance of counterespionage:35%

im guessing hes quite high!!!

and my cargos dont get back for 2hrs!!! its 1hr from his with cruisers! poo.

The guys got a moon, depends what is on that moon.
In noob protection, in galaxy view, your status is white. Stronger and weaker players are red and green. Does anyone know what the points difference is between all of these?

If I attack someone in a clan who might attack me back, how quickly can they respond to knowing about it. Can I get back and spend all the res and get my fleet away? I am in uni 7 not 3 on this account.
Ian Mac said:
In noob protection, in galaxy view, your status is white. Stronger and weaker players are red and green. Does anyone know what the points difference is between all of these?

If I attack someone in a clan who might attack me back, how quickly can they respond to knowing about it. Can I get back and spend all the res and get my fleet away? I am in uni 7 not 3 on this account.
It doesn't quite work like that, players that are green have 5x less points than you, players that are red have 5x more points - neithers of whom you can attack. You follow a similar rule to others so people with 5x more points than you can't attack you. However, after you reach 5k everyone can attack you and this is when you come out of noob protection.

I don't quite get your next question, but the other person knows your attacking the second you send the fleet and could technically send a fleet straight away.
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What I meant then, is it will take my fleet about 4 hours to get there and back. Sso as long as there is nobody close by from his clan I should get away with it
dont think im even going to bother with more defences at the moment. rather just spend it on a big fleet so if anyone steals my unprotected reasources i can go beast them.

at least if a big fleet comes my way i can save my fleet. but my defences would just be a HUGE loss of resources.

plus i hardly ever get probed
I don't think I've been probed once yet and I'm just sitting with my two planets having done no attacking yet just building up a fleet.

Should I really be whishing for people to attack me and are my 25 missile launchers, 10 small lasers, 5 heavy lasers and small shield dome a defence that would put many attackers off as I usually have 100k of each resource lying around.
mundu said:
Should I really be whishing for people to attack me and are my 25 missile launchers, 10 small lasers, 5 heavy lasers and small shield dome a defence that would put many attackers off as I usually have 100k of each resource lying around.
If you were not in T.N.G... And had 100K of each resource, with those defences...

I'd raid you...

Best plan = Never have the res sitting around - Either spend or save it.
(see www.ogametips.com for fleet/res saving)

Other plan, is spend OOOOODLES of res which could be used for other things, on defence.
(I have for main planet, but will need more)
depends what score you have but that defence wouldnt put me off if you had 100k of each resource.

my defences are quite big but recently i just realised whats the point because if someone wants my res so much then allot of players could still easily take it from me
how can i fleet save without sending my resources elsewhere? it wont let me go to a debris field as i dont have a recycler and i wont have one for over an hour.

hmm im stuck. :confused:
helpimcrap said:
how can i fleet save without sending my resources elsewhere? it wont let me go to a debris field as i dont have a recycler and i wont have one for over an hour.
Do you have an inactive?

Set them on a slow raid.
(But with enough room left to actually get something too!)

And build a harvester for tomorrow.
(Along with more cargo's)
been playing now for about 5/6 days just been building mines
metal mine (level 12)
cystal (level 10)
duet (level 7)
solar planet (level 13)
robotics (level 2)
shipyard (level 3)
reasearch (level 2)
i know from what i've read that most people would be thinking of starting to go on raids but i was thinking of just building up res and maybe getting another planet going before i start building a fleet to start raiding, do you think this is a bad idea? :)
ah ive been probed 3 times again... by number 2 in the league!! lol.

westside from PU. did a minor fleetsave so hopefully he saw buggerall on the planet and thought better off it.

but im gonna do a slow raid on an inactive and leave a bit of metal on my planet. there will be 10 battleships and 10 cruisers + 40 light and heavy fighters, so shoudl they become active i should be ok lol.

dammit... im attracting far too much attention and i havent even probed these guys.
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