***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

yeah colonys for raiding from are great i have one in galaxys 1, 2, 3 ,and 4 some empty and some with just shipyards and mines (mainly deut) . theyre good places to go when it gets a bit quiet around my main planet.
ahh well looks like im going to give this game up.

been raided again while at work and unable to access, couldnt access this morning to send on fleetsave either due to my internet not working.

end result fleet wiped out.


memphisto said:
ahh well looks like im going to give this game up.

been raided again while at work and unable to access, couldnt access this morning to send on fleetsave either due to my internet not working.

end result fleet wiped out.


Mate how much would it take to get youself started again? I can give you upto 200K m, 100K c and 20K deut
Morning all, as mentioned a few pages ago(prolly 20 or more in this thread) i have started raiding. could someone tell me if you can raid for say just metal or is it allways proportional to the victims overall resources. i ask as im low on crystal but have loads of metal and keep finding people with loads of both but still steal metal as well as crystal of them. thanks in advance fellas
^^^^cheers, i guess ill have to trade the excess metal with someone in the future. what if i fill my metal store to brink, would it hault mining AND raiding that resource or just the mining??
memphisto said:
ahh well looks like im going to give this game up.

been raided again while at work and unable to access, couldnt access this morning to send on fleetsave either due to my internet not working.

end result fleet wiped out.


Damn, sorry to hear that dude. Don't give up though, with time you can get yourself back up again, and we'll help if you need it :)
LeperousDust said:
Probe: 2:37:10 if possible guys. Can't wait till i'm competant enough to probe decent myself! :(
Resources on Guinee [2:37:10] at 08-16 11:56:21
Metal: 57627 Crystal: 24494
Deuterium: 10686 Energy: 1063
Metal Mine 16 Crystal Mine 14
Deuterium Synthesizer 12 Solar Plant 14
Robotic Factory 7 Shipyard 1
Metal Storage 1
Chance of counterespionage:0%

That's a tasty little planet! Go for it :)
Mikharper said:
Thanks Davey for putting the time in to helping me :) Might try for 2:136:1.

My 7 small cargos got bopped on the head :( . Oh wells il rebuild and try other places :)

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dont send so many probes at a time start with one or two and send more if it doesnt get enough info.

also does anyone have any excess deut and need metal or crystal ?
when your not going to be around eg overnight you have to send your fleet somewhere.

if you leave it on your planet then someone will crash there fleet into it and harvest the debris field it creates.
Garp said:
Whats this fleetsave you talk about?

Fleetsaving is when you send your fleet away from your planet, to arrive back at the same time you return for your pc.

For example, if you are about to go to bed, and it's 10 hours till you'll be at a pc again, in those 10 hours your fleet could get crushed and you wouldn't be able to do a thing about it. If you fleetsave, you can schedule your fleet to return home in approx 10 hours, meaning it's completely safe from people who would look to crash your fleet.

Fleetsaving is generally done better when you have recyclers, as you can send the fleet to a nearby debris field, change the speed so they arrive back when you do, and all is good. You can also load up your resources (assuming you have enough worth saving), to give would-be attackers no reason to bother you.
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