***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Resources on Stockhouse [1:114:8] at 08-16 13:11:44
Metal: 635293 Crystal: 129381
Deuterium: 29008 Energy: 48
Large Cargo Ship 12
Deuterium Synthesizer 1 Solar Plant 2
Robotic Factory 2 Shipyard 4
Research Lab 1

Chance of counterespionage:0%

This was one in my own galaxy that I was thinking of going after. I don't know how he's worked out all those resources with the basic equipment listed unless he was attacked recently? :confused:

No way I can get through his 12 ships with my resources. :(
Cause my probes are only level 1, i got this report

Resources on longest yard [2:137:12] at 08-16 13:16:37
Metal: 74941 Crystal: 34365
Deuterium: 23625 Energy: 2294
Chance of counterespionage:0%

- Judging by his energy n what not its safe to presume he has defences right?
Hmmm, no idea how he's managed to get that amount of res, and keep it, with no defences. It could be a raiding colony, but he should have had some defences for that. Strange.

Edit: And he's noob protected from me, so I can't even butcher him myself :(
Mikharper said:
Cause my probes are only level 1, i got this report

Resources on longest yard [2:137:12] at 08-16 13:16:37
Metal: 74941 Crystal: 34365
Deuterium: 23625 Energy: 2294
Chance of counterespionage:0%

- Judging by his energy n what not its safe to presume he has defences right?

Gimme 2 mins and you'll find out :)
Mikharper said:
Cause my probes are only level 1, i got this report

Resources on longest yard [2:137:12] at 08-16 13:16:37
Metal: 74941 Crystal: 34365
Deuterium: 23625 Energy: 2294
Chance of counterespionage:0%

- Judging by his energy n what not its safe to presume he has defences right?
Resources on longest yard [2:137:12] at 08-16 13:24:57
Metal: 75166 Crystal: 34491
Deuterium: 23710 Energy: 2294
Anti-ballistic Missile 10
Metal Mine 14 Crystal Mine 13
Deuterium Synthesizer 14 Solar Plant 18
Fusion Plant 4 Robotic Factory 3
Shipyard 5 Metal Storage 3
Crystal Storage 1 Deuterium Tank 1
Research Lab 3 Rocket Silo 2
Espionage Technology 5 Computer Technology 5
Armour Technology 5 Energy Technology 6
Combustion Engine 4 Impulse Engine 4
Laser Technology 4
Chance of counterespionage:0%

Go get him :)
Well... Have been away from the PC for quite a bit of time over the last 4 days...
Couldn't get onto the PC for all of today due to RL...
Came back to this:

The following fleets were facing each other on 08-16 09:27:09, as it came to a battle:

Attacker James L Peacemaker [x:xxx:xx]
L.Cargo 7
B.Ship 70

Defender Captain Fizz [x:xxx:xx]
S.Cargo 24
L.Cargo 12
H.Fighter 5
Cruiser 20
B.Ship 4
Esp. Probe 15
S.Laser 15
S.Dome 1
LS.Dome 1

Brand new planet, didn't have time to build defence...

Attacker James L Peacemaker [x:xxx:xx]
L.Cargo 6
B.Ship 70

Defender Captain Fizz [x:xxx:xx]

The attacker has won the battle!
He captures
78.176 Metal, 52.877 Crystal and 15.813 Deuterium

The attacker has lost a total of 12.000 Units.
The defender has lost a total of 1.235.000 Units.
At these space coordinates now float 214.800 Metal and 114.300 Crystal.
The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 3 %
11 Small Laser, 0 Small Shield Dome, 0 Large Shield Dome could be repaired.

-----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----

Owww. :(

EDIT - Scanned his planet (lost probes)
Resources on Peace of Iona [3:124:9] at 08-16 13:38:07
Metal: 574145 Crystal: 364877
Deuterium: 1101508 Energy: 5234
Small Cargo Ship 50 Large Cargo Ship 59
Light Fighter 2718 Heavy Fighter 250
Cruiser 35 Battle Ship 552
Colony Ship 5 Recycler 116
Espionage Probe 509 Bomber 10
Solar Satellite 57 Destroyer 45
Missile Launcher 4155 Small Laser 2000
Heavy Laser 223 Gauss Cannon 191
Ion Cannon 600 Plasma Cannon 85
Small Shield Dome 1 Large Shield Dome 1
Anti-ballistic Missile 24 Interplanetary Missiles 6

Last edited:
Captain Fizz said:
Well... Have been away from the PC for quite a bit of time over the last 4 days...
Couldn't get onto the PC for all of today due to RL...
Came back to this:


Owww. :(

Ouch! That wasn't all of your fleet was it?
Davey_Pitch said:
Phalanxed maybe?
He doesn't have a moon, but in the logs, a probe came in at 6:30am...
Then 2 more around 9am.

So looks like he just got lucky with probing.
Ahhh well, should have fleetsaved until tonight when I could have been 100% sure of being on the PC.

So, everyone - FLEETSAVE!!!
Captain Fizz said:
So, everyone - FLEETSAVE!!!

Indeed. This cannot be stressed enough for new players. If you fail to fleetsave, you may find yourself losing 22 Small Cargo Ships, 60 Light Fighters, 7 Heavy Fighters, and 110 Espionage Probes, like some poor sod I just attacked. This is after using 2 IPM's to wipe out almost all of his defences (bar 11 missile launchers). Collected about 20k Metal, 41k Crystal and 96k Deuterium from him, and my recyclers are en route to collect about 75k metal and 75k crystal from his debris field.

I'm evil sometimes.
ahh well on reflection wll give it another go, just got to hope he didnt take out my defences with IPM's before he raided / smashed my fleet.

any resources would be helpful depending upon the severity of his attack i may now not have any resources on home base to even build a raiding party when i get home at around 7pm had about 50k 80k 50k when i last logged on last night.

If anyone can send a few k just to get me up and running for ships and cargoes would be much appreciated.
thinking of fleetsaving may start doing it once from 10pm at night to 5pm next day, seriously gonna hamper my raiding capabilities but better than losing 2mill resources or so like today.
There should be some stuff on the way to you. Didnt have any crystal i could send unfortunately, but should be 20K metal, 4k ish of deut. Sorry its not much.
well having thought about this a bit more, it might take me longer but im just going to build up a small raiding party maybe 5-10 ships and concentrate everything else onto research, hopefully this will make me less of a target overall.

Until of course such time as I take over the universe :)

also may build my proper fleet away from homebase.

Question though is there any advantage to having my flett based on my moon instead of my homebase ?
memphisto said:
Question though is there any advantage to having my flett based on my moon instead of my homebase ?
Yeah a big advantage, moons can't be phalanxed so they won't know when your fleet comes back

Edit:fleets on its way with 50K m, 20K c and about 4k deut :)
I have sent a message to join SCUM in universe 7.

I shall have to spend a while building up my defense and improving my research.

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