***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Killerkebab said:

Nanite Factory (Level 4 )
A nanite factory is the ultimate evolution of robotics. Every upgraded level provides for more and more efficient nanites to increase the speed of construction.
Requires: Metal:16.000.000 Crystal:8.000.000 Deuterium:1.600.000
Production time: 2 days 6h 32m 43s

Which means that to make a battleship:

Battle Ship
Battle ships are providing the backbone of any military fleet. Heavy armoury, strong weapons systems and high cruising speed as well as a large cargo bay makes this ship a tough opponent to fight against.
Requires: Metal:40.000 Crystal:20.000 Deuterium:0 Energy:0
Production time: 08m 10s

Damn these things rule... expensive though...

bloody hell thats a massive amount of res to build up, you must have one hell of a defence :)
davew said:
can anyone tell me what comp tech lvl 10 costs?
Crystal:204.800 Deuterium:307.200 (by my maths).

Actually, to stop more of these questions:
Most things double in cost (and production time) with each level.

Level 1 costs (and some exceptions to the above rule) are listed here (post 3):

Dr Zoidberg said:
I am expecting to be able to build colony ships some time on monday,
should i...........
A) send a colony ship to T.N.G space, even though i am still T.N.G.A
B) send a colony ship a few galaxys up the road that looks nice
C) send a colony ship to the empty planet next door - or any of the other 3 empty planets in my galaxy.
If you raid at all, and you know roughly when you'll be online each day (so can fleet save, even if you don't yet) - then colonise about 75 to 100 solar systems away.
It means you have a larger choice of targets (so it's more profitable) - and travel distances between your planets remain relatively short.
It also means that your planets are harder to find (except the main planet), since they're not right next to each other. :)

T.N.G space is nearly useless atm - a lot of people are abandoning their colonies there.

Other things to look out for:
  1. Moons - keep your distance from other alliances moons (especially when they're owned by high ranking players).
    You may want to put your planet near to one of the T.N.G moons (and pay for phalanx scans).
  2. Fields - the number of fields depends upon the planet slot (I'd at least abandon planets under 150 fields)
    More info here: http://www.ogame224.de/forum/thread.php?threadid=590
  3. Solar Satellites - the amount of energy they produce depends upon the maximum temperature of the planet (higher planets are hotter - but keep in mind the field information).
  4. Deuterium - the deut mines on the lower planets produce more.
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Hyperspace lvl4 is harder to get than i thought, hate having 300k of stuff sitting there while waiting i get enough to start research !!! Lets hope no one want to take a pop shot while the fleet is away raiding with only defences scaring people off.
Try comp tech 10 :p
Was saving up yesterday had loads of everything lying around, then went out about half 7 set some fleets to get to a debris field and to get back later (hopefully when i'd be in...) i screwed that up, and over estimated the time. Apart from getting back horrendously drunk, playing ogame in this state is not advised :D. Suffice to say i tried staying up to wait for it to get back and tried to set up raids etc... funny affair really, woke up this morning about 9 (always seem to wake up early after nights out =/) had 800k metal 700k crystal and 400k deut absolute genius on my part hehe luckily not scanned though so safe :). I've now got 20 hours left for comp tech to finish and 17 battleships being made - i win with my 2 day build queue :D.

*PS - if this post doesnt make sense sorry, i feel a little worse for wear at present, and really cant be bothered to run through and check it nor think about it properly when i was typing it*
Ah, my first destroyer is being built as we speak. Probably won't do much attacking with it for now, will be nice to leave it at home, as anyone scanning me and seeing a destroyer sat there might well think I have more of them and not bother attacking (not that I get attacked, or even probed, but anyway...). When I get a few more I'll certainly be putting them to good use in fleet crashing.
Sounds tastey davey :)

Question: As i mentioned before i have a huge ass build queue and its going to take about 2 days to finish. I'll be able to build a nanite factory tomorrow, if i can save enough res up for that and manage to build it before the queue ends will it speed up the time for those waiting on the queue, or only subsequent purchases?

Thanks in advance.
Aww Ogame is great, some nice people around :) just had a guy try to fleet crash my cargoes and recyclers with 78 bombers - sent my resources away etc. and told him with 8 mionutes to go ;) he politely replied saying Ahh you coming online wasnt part of my plan hehe :D and to have a good day
What level of Nanite do you need to get Battleships in 30 minutes as level one is still 1 hour 20 minutes.

I am really annoyed, the Turkish guy I banned yesterday is in noob protection and I can't raid him. :D
Ian Mac said:
What level of Nanite do you need to get Battleships in 30 minutes as level one is still 1 hour 20 minutes.

I am really annoyed, the Turkish guy I banned yesterday is in noob protection and I can't raid him. :D
Production time: 32m 43s
That's with nanites 2 and a shipyard 10. :)
How do you ban people ?

and how do you know what time someone attacks you? would there be a time count down or something? I am asking as i haven't been attack yet but pretty worried at the mo with over 400k of stuff sitting there while saving for lvl hyper space engine research. Damn the 160k crystal !
Raymond Lin said:
How do you ban people ?

and how do you know what time someone attacks you? would there be a time count down or something? I am asking as i haven't been attack yet but pretty worried at the mo with over 400k of stuff sitting there while saving for lvl hyper space engine research. Damn the 160k crystal !
When someone sends you an insulting message you'll be given the option to ban them then.

As for being attacked, you'll get a red message on the overview screen letting you know that an attack is on the way.
so there must be a filter program in the game that knows what's insulting? What if i say something harmless insult like "you look like someone has set your head on fire and put out with a shovel." :p

Does that count? LOL
Raymond Lin said:
so there must be a filter program in the game that knows what's insulting? What if i say something harmless insult like "you look like someone has set your head on fire and put out with a shovel." :p

Does that count? LOL
It's generally when someone swears at you I think.
I think it picks out swear words as the first three messages he sent were basically F U copied and pasted and filling up the entire message. The next nineteen were all about what he was doing with my mother etc and I didn't seem to have the ban option for them.
gord said:
hmm, i had just started making my fleet

i had about 28 battleships..

got crashed by some dude with 120 battleships...who then strole in took a couple of thousand resources...irritating

Sounds suspiciously like a crash I did myself on someone...you are in TNGA arent you? :D
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