***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Gilly said:
Got Esp lvl 4
Comp lvl 3
Weapon lvl 2
Armour lvl 4
Energy lvl 5
Combustion lvl 5
Impulse lvl 2
Laser lvl 3

Small Cargo - 6
Small Fighter - 6
Espionage Probe - 2
Solar Satellite - 4
Not bad. Definitely aim to get large cargos now, they increase raiding gains by a huge amount, and then you can move along much quicker from there.
Davey_Pitch said:
Not bad. Definitely aim to get large cargos now, they increase raiding gains by a huge amount, and then you can move along much quicker from there.
Only a couple of upgrades needed for that :)

Need to upgrade lasers so I can get Ion, then get to lvl 2 Ion, then I've got cruisers :)

Can afford some heavy Fighters atm but I guess there's not a lot of point.

[edit]For some reason I read cruisers when you said large cargos :/

Gonna have to save up a lot of Deut for large cargos.
Only 93 fields for third colony I've setup so it's going to be used as a Crystal mine due to my current need for them. The second one (113 fields) is developing nicely and I'm not sure whether to concentrate on one type of resource (at position 10) or make it a general one due to the size of it.

My first colony is producing a nice amount of resources but I'll get rid of it once I find larger planets, which is increasingly difficult just now around my area (+/- 5 galaxies).
Gilly said:
[edit]For some reason I read cruisers when you said large cargos :/

Gonna have to save up a lot of Deut for large cargos.

How much do you need? I've got over 300k lying around so I'm sure I can spare some for you.
Has anyone thought about a shared espionage database system for all of us in TNGA? Would it be against the rules?

It might not be too hard to do for someone good with web databases and would prove very useful.

Davey_Pitch said:
How much do you need? I've got over 300k lying around so I'm sure I can spare some for you.
Its 20k for the next upgrade and I need 2 upgrades. I've got 4k :o
mrk1@1 said:
Is there any real benefit in IMPs on a target with a fair few defences and at a level 4 silo (cost 320k metal and crystal + 16k deut to get level 5 etc) you can only store 20 IPMs or 40 ABMs or a combination of both. Most of the time you can't keep enough missiles to knock out all the defences, specially if they have some ABMs. I keep 6 IPMs and 8 ABMs to offer a stale mate tbh.

They cannot realistically be used to knock out all defences and make a profit from a raid, however they can be used to take out both large and small shield with three missiles and this can be the make or break of a raid imho.

If the target has abms then you are unlikely to use them on him at all, however if and when a war situation arises it dies mean you can obliterate defences easily to cause point loss and soften him up for later.
Caustic said:
Has anyone thought about a shared espionage database system for all of us in TNGA? Would it be against the rules?

It might not be too hard to do for someone good with web databases and would prove very useful.

It goes out of date very quickly, not much use realistically.

Post on the alliance forum to get a fast reply for probe requests, many of us check there through the day.
[GSV]Lemming said:
It goes out of date very quickly, not much use realistically.

Post on the alliance forum to get a fast reply for probe requests, many of us check there through the day.

Thats very true, but for finding good targets to raid, I think it might help.

The idea would be, every time someone probes a planet, post the report. Very quickly, we could locate the targets roughly suitable for each person. The trouble is, I am probing loads of people and some are quite a bit more powerful than me, even with me checking their stats etc.

It was just an idea. Perhaps not a great one :)

Maybe just a list of targets with minimal/no defenses that are good for raiding. I'm thinking for the TNGA players who raid for resources rather than fleet crashing etc.

Captain Fizz said:
Of course!

Invest in an A3/A2 pad - Whatever will fit on your desk.
Then get noting.

I used to have (not had as much time recently) 25SS's either side of my raiding planets (inavtives) probed and written down the current amount on planet, and whether it was a strong, medium or weak inactive. (Mine level, with lvl15+ metal = Strong, lvl8+ metal medium, lower = don't bother)

Then set out the best amount of raids you can handle to the best targets, taking time into account. (2 * good raids in half the time > one big raid which takes longer)
And mark them off. A different colour of pen per raiding time helps you avoid bashing.

Then the next time you are setting up raids, scan the strong ones.
If there doesn't happen to be any good strong ones, then scan the mediums.

Inactives are the best way to go when starting out, they do not change much and will not attack you bacK!
(up to 3.5k anyway IMHO, I am still finding it OK at 70k points, but need to start attacking to keep up!)

Everyone has a different way - I'd like to hear what method fRostiE, Anarchy, Locutus, Sole, wraith, Uncle Bob etc, etc, etc use too, especially as they are taking fleet into account.

I used to keep notes, but things change so quickly I found it easier to spend 30 mins in the morning when eating brekkie using all 11 slots to probe everyone up or down from my main fleet (alternate each day or morning/afternoon) looking for targets with 200k+ resources and/or a fleet.
Usually manage 1 or 2 fleet crashes combined with 8/9 raids with mainly LC and a few escorts for light offence with IPM backup from my evenly 4 spaced missile planets. Just before hitting I phalanx if not inactive and then lean back and count my loverly resources :D

I am not using phalanx as much as I could because of the cost, I also havent had a problem crashing fleets around me, they keep being left laying about in the morning.

I am currently stocking up on BS and cruisers, research is heading for IRN and graviton which I hope to make the most of if I can get a second moon going.....
Caustic said:
Thats very true, but for finding good targets to raid, I think it might help.

The idea would be, every time someone probes a planet, post the report. Very quickly, we could locate the targets roughly suitable for each person. The trouble is, I am probing loads of people and some are quite a bit more powerful than me, even with me checking their stats etc.

It was just an idea. Perhaps not a great one :)

Maybe just a list of targets with minimal/no defenses that are good for raiding. I'm thinking for the TNGA players who raid for resources rather than fleet crashing etc.


I know what you mean but if they are not inactive it can change in a heartbeat, even whilst the fleet is in the air. It only takes a few small lasers to nail an LC fleet belonging to a beginner, I know as Ive been there :D

In the early days stick to inactives, with only a few cargos this isnt going to be a hardship, hell I still hit them now to keep fleetslots full as mush as possible. May as well have 2 LC hitting an inactive than hold it free in case something better comes up.
I'm inclined to agree with [GSV]Lemming - things can change like that, a database might lead people into a false sense of security.

The other week someone tried raiding me with only 6 L.Cargoes when I have a huge defense, but also I managed to time my 101 H.Fighters and 27 Cruisers to arrive back about 30 seconds in front of his :)

It's things like that that can change which makes a database very hard to maintain, best bet is just look yourself, make a list of targets to probe, send out probes and if you cant see what they have get someone else with higher esp to probe them for you :)

Apologies if I sound patronising - was not intended :)
Funny as it may sound I actually got caught today.

The chap isnt inactive but I had all my decent ships out on wave attacks to overwhelm defences.

I had a few slots free so probed around and gound some close targets, one was an active guy but I had pounded him early this week and no defences left after the waves and ipms. I fired up 10lf and 5LC and sent them off thinking the guy must have got depressed and left after the kicking I gave him since he had no ships in orbit, and 225k resources. By the time I got there I was facing missile launchers and small lasers. I still won but I lost 6 light fighters, so in 1 hour 20 mins it went from an easy hit to one out of the range of many TNGA members....

Next time I am sending bombers and batleships....
Well I thought I had a good fleet until I was visited by 200 Battleships, 115 Cruisers and 100 Detroyers the other night.
Good fight but lost. Luckily I have colonies everywhere so the resources are still pouring in.
Davey_Pitch said:
11 small cargos worth heading your way, should be enough to see those upgrades done :)

Cheers man.

Is there a full list of people we're not allowed to hit? I've got a few members near me part of alliances but they're all fairly weak.
rayer said:
Well I thought I had a good fleet until I was visited by 200 Battleships, 115 Cruisers and 100 Detroyers the other night.
Good fight but lost. Luckily I have colonies everywhere so the resources are still pouring in.

wow!!! what sized fleet did you have?
Gilly said:
Is there a full list of people we're not allowed to hit? I've got a few members near me part of alliances but they're all fairly weak.

No list, I just check to see where the alliance is and what their average score per member is. If they're pretty powerful I may back off, otherwise it's all systems go. I often don't give a hoot about who I attack though, I've gone after people who are ranked 400 places above me, it all depends on whether you think you can handle it. If you do feel you can take them out, go for it.
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