***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Davey_Pitch said:
Yes, raid people. You can attack other planets to steal the resources they have. I thought everyone knew that?

I knew that but do I need a certain building to attack or something? I can't seem to see the 'Attack' button :rolleyes:
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Sinque said:
I knew that but do I need a certain building to attack or something? I can't seem to see the 'Attack' button :rolleyes:
Build any ship...
Then you can go to your fleet screen, and send it to another planet's co-ords, and then you can set it to attack.

Best if you know what is on the planet first (espionage probes) and at this stage, use small cargo's.

Look in your technology tree for the things you need to build to get ships.

And click the link in my sig - Read what is posted therein...
(Especially the "Gettin Started" thread)
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Metal: 265404 Crystal: 128346
Deuterium: 62701 Energy: 1362
Small Cargo Ship 6 Large Cargo Ship 10
Light Fighter 16 Heavy Fighter 3
Cruiser 2 Battle Ship 7
Espionage Probe 3 Solar Satellite 28
Missile Launcher 42 Small Laser 40
Heavy Laser 1 Gauss Cannon 3
Ion Cannon 1 Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1 Anti-ballistic Missile 3

Anyone want that ? :)
09-21 09:27:50 Fleet Command Espionage Report from Bolivar [2:2:5]

Resources on Bolivar [2:2:5] at 09-21 09:27:50
Metal: 240949 Crystal: 104849
Deuterium: 93689 Energy: 4263
Missile Launcher 105 Small Laser 8
Heavy Laser 10 Gauss Cannon 13
Large Shield Dome 1
Metal Mine 23 Crystal Mine 20
Deuterium Synthesizer 16 Solar Plant 22
Fusion Plant 7 Robotic Factory 5
Shipyard 6 Metal Storage 5
Crystal Storage 3 Deuterium Tank 5
Research Lab 6
Computer Technology 9 Weapon Technology 6
Shielding Technology 6 Armour Technology 3
Energy Technology 7 Combustion Engine 7
Laser Technology 6
Chance of counterespionage:0%

That any better, sry about last one :(
Gilly said:
Colonised a position 12 planet. 61 fields. Delete and send another colony ship?
LOL - 61 fields.... Yep.

I'd not even bother if it was a position 1 planet!
(Pos 1's are generally the smallest)

If you are planning on keeping a planet there, then I would aim for 180 fields or over.
If it's a quick planet to get you some more res for your main, 120 fields or over. But, you may have to delete it again later. (Once it's full)

Pos 1 or 2, 70 is reasonable (although I'd still try again) and pos 15 is usually small, although I have a 178 field pos15 which I'm keeping. :)
There's just no slots available near me in the middle of an SS. Thats the closest I could find.

Might take a pos14 for deut.
Yep - I was LUCKY getting the 178 field for a pos15...
Check the FAQ in the link in my sig for average planet sizes per position.

IMHO, it's worth sending out multiple colony ships until you get one you want to keep.

I've deleted a 2000 point planet (70 fields) and a 4000 point planet (116 fields) so far.
But they were not meant to be permanent.

So if you are looking for a quick planet, that you are willing to delete and replace later, then 100 fields is fine.
If you are looking for a permanent planet, I would aim for 180~200 fields.

If it's a pos 14/15 then 170 fields is good.
For a pos 1 or 2, 80 fields is spot on too.

The following fleets were facing each other on 09-22 12:23:48, as it came to a battle:

Attacker Luke30 [x:xxx:xx]
B.Ship 87

Defender the_brainaic [x:xxx:xx]
S.Cargo 16
L.Cargo 9
L.Fighter 10
H.Fighter 9
Cruiser 4
B.Ship 4
Recy. 5
Esp. Probe 17

Witty Comment

Attacker Luke30 [x:xxx:xx]
B.Ship 87

Defender the_brainaic [x:xxx:xx]

The attacker has won the battle!
He captures
14.352 Metal, 23.353 Crystal and 54.223 Deuterium

The attacker has lost a total of 0 Units.
The defender has lost a total of 747.000 Units.
At these space coordinates now float 138.000 Metal and 86.100 Crystal.
The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 2 %
The enormous amounts of drifting metal and crystal particles attract each other and slowly form a lunar satellite in the orbit of the planet.
-----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.-----

Hope you don't mind, put it into CR convertor to make it easier to read - Davey

I GOT A MOON! woohoo! With only a 2% chance as well.

Oh, can someone check up on the guy that attacked me just incase it's possible for one of our bettre players to send him back to where he sent me (ie square 1)?
Shame about the crash, but excellent news about the moon, that was certainly worth it.

The guy is ranked mid 500's (so about 100 places above me), but he's not in an alliance. His home planet isn't too far from one of my colonies, so I'm giving him a probe to see what's what.
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