***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Wo0o0ot!!! :D

That's the BEST way to get a moon!
Small fleet lost (OK, a setback now...) but getting a moon - Nicely done sah! :D

Once I have the res... I'm planning on building 1667LF's or 556LC's and hopefully someone else will too.
Then throw them at each other. :D
(And again, and again, and again until a moon forms)

Or, just leave the 556LC's outside my base. :p
Captain Fizz said:
Yep - I was LUCKY getting the 178 field for a pos15...

I have NEVER got less than 190 on a pos15 planet.

Then again, I have a huge amount of trouble getting more than 50 on a pos4, so my colonising is rather difficult to say the least :p
Captain Fizz said:
Wo0o0ot!!! :D

That's the BEST way to get a moon!
Small fleet lost (OK, a setback now...) but getting a moon - Nicely done.

Problem is, if it isn't a 20% moonchance, the moon won't be very big, and thus becomes deathstar vulnerable. However it shouldn't be too much of a problem, the current formula in place means deathstars have a hell of a time as it is :p
I just deleted my uni 7 account and crashed my fleet into a german guy that I used to chat to and he got a 8500 moon off a 17% chance, lucky so and so.
To prove the usefulness of fusion...
All other mines/power etc left the same...

Fusion lvl7 @ 20%
Deut mine @ 14
Deut production: 698

Fusion lvl7 @ 40%
Duet mine @ 15
Deut Production: 800

Fusion lvl7 @ 80%
Deut mine @ 16
Deut Production: 894

So even though the fusion mine is using deut, it still gives more power output than it uses duet.

Now getting 200 more deut per hour - Without adding any extra energy.
Fusion = Good. :)
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Need one little bit of help then i'll start building ships :)

-527/272 - That's my power, it's in red, no idea how that works. Can anyone tell me?

LOL - Build LOTS of solar plants...

The energy on the right is how much you have... 272.
The value on the left is how much you are in excess, or requiring.
You need an EXTRA 527 of power.

So go look to see which resource you need the most of to get the next solar plant (usually metal, possibly crystal) and go into your resources screen.

Then turn your deut mine to 0%, and which ever mine you do not need the resource of down until your power is green.

Once you have enough, build solar, and another, and another until you can have all of your mines on 100% and still have a little green amount left.

Then ALWAYS keep your power in the green.
(Even inbetween solar upgrades, turn a few mines to 80% or so, depending on what you need. :) )
Captain Fizz said:
LOL - Build LOTS of solar plants...

The energy on the right is how much you have... 272.
The value on the left is how much you are in excess, or requiring.
You need an EXTRA 527 of power.

So go look to see which resource you need the most of to get the next solar plant (usually metal, possibly crystal) and go into your resources screen.

Then turn your deut mine to 0%, and which ever mine you do not need the resource of down until your power is green.

Once you have enough, build solar, and another, and another until you can have all of your mines on 100% and still have a little green amount left.

Then ALWAYS keep your power in the green.
(Even inbetween solar upgrades, turn a few mines to 80% or so, depending on what you need. :) )

Hmm, LOL! :D

Will do, it just went lower and lower. Thanks for the info'
Sinque said:
Hmm, LOL! :D

Will do, it just went lower and lower. Thanks for the info'
A good way of doing it is keeping your metal mine 2 levels above your crystal mines, which can be 1 level above your deuterium mine, and then make your solar plant 2 levels *above* the level of your metal mine. That should always keep you in the green :)
Davey_Pitch said:
A good way of doing it is keeping your metal mine 2 levels above your crystal mines, which can be 1 level above your deuterium mine,
I found keeping the deut mine 4 lvl's below the crystal mine was good enough for me...

But then I didn't have much of a fleet until a few weeks ago...

EDIT - But yes - 2 lvl's between metal and crystal - Or you'll run out of crystal LOTS. As I know. :)
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Captain Fizz said:
But then I didn't have much of a fleet until a few weeks ago...

Some people might say you still don't have much of a fleet now :p

Only joking matey. Your fleet's probably about the same size as mine now isn't it?
Resources on kamino [2:23:10] at 09-23 00:44:58
Metal: 204412 Crystal: 73635
Deuterium: 65433 Energy: 1362
Small Cargo Ship 6 Large Cargo Ship 10
Light Fighter 16 Heavy Fighter 3
Cruiser 2 Battle Ship 7
Espionage Probe 2 Solar Satellite 28
Missile Launcher 42 Small Laser 40
Heavy Laser 1 Gauss Cannon 3
Ion Cannon 1 Small Shield Dome 1
Large Shield Dome 1 Anti-ballistic Missile 3
If anyone is intrested, to big for my 7 b/s :(
And the peeps that seen my fleetscore shoot up about 100 ranks in a few days...

That's not BS's...

That's my (as yet) mini-probe army! :D
I loves me inactives. ;)

But you need about 10k of them before you actually grab anything worthwhile... :rolleyes:
What are your stats now gilly? Points, mines, ships research, if you can be bothered, if you dont mind i'll just probe you, only thing i couldnt find out from that would be fleets (if theyre out on missions).
Three planets (Rivendell, Edoras, Moria. Very original :rolleyes: ). Only colonised Moria yesterday so not much there save low level mines.


Metal Mine: 17
Crystal Mine: 14
Deut Synth: 12
Solar Plant: 14
Fusion: 6
Robotics: 6
Shipyard: 7
Metal Storage: 2
Research: 6

Solar Satellites: 14


Metal: 15
Crystal: 14
Deut: 5
Solar: 9
Fusion: 3
Robotic: 2
Shipyard: 1

Solar Satellites: 8


Espionage: 4
Computer: 4
Weapon: 5
Shielding: 5
Armour: 6
Energy: 5
Combustion: 6
Impulse: 4
Laser: 7
Ion: 5

Fleet (not really started yet):

SC: 6
LC: 5
LF: 6
HF: 5
EP: 5
Also built 4 colony ships.


Score: 1461, Rank 3673 of 6396

Exactly 2 weeks today.
Nice one on the planet names Gilly...
And others - Noticed rather a lot of LOTR names in and around OGame tho.
I picked most of mine from the Silmarillion tho, to try and make them less common.

Doing well for 2 weeks in though - It was about 2 weeks until I had my first colony.
I'd recommend colonising as many planets as you can, except maybe 1 or 2 - But I'd still colonise them, and delete your smallest later. :)
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