***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

Do they have moons to phalanx you with? If they don't, just make sure you have enouhg cargos handy to whip everything away if they come for it. With a moon nearby it's never as easy as that, and you just have to take a chance and hope they don't spot it.
Yeah. He crashed me as you know, and he keeps tabs on all my colonies. Even the one I built 40 SS away.
Gilly said:
Thats him. #1 player.

He's always scanning me.

Unlucky :(. I had the same problem and as a result I fled to galaxy 3 and 6 and Im doing very well. I have found so many rich targets today its not funny :eek: . All 12 fleetslots are used, If only I had another 12 :D . Hopefully I should come home with 3mil+ in the next few hours.
LOL... Getting scanned daily I managed to build up to lvl24 Solar, lvl23 Metal and lvl21 crystal, as well as just getting the lvl21 deut mine on my pos 15.

All you have to do is keep enough LC's at your planet (and a recycler) to be able to whip it away if he sends an attack.
And to either transfer it, or just save it whilst offline.

I don't know what the script would be with hitting cargo's phalanx style.
That would be a bit below the belt IMHO.
A fleet, fair enough... Cargo's, that's a bit tight...
The Absent account changed hands a while back. The new player is probably more dangerous than the original holder. He's always got all his fleet out raiding, never think you're too small. Has a colony near me and Ive watched his fleet movements, and beat him to some farms now and then to annoy him :)

Tried to crash his fleet near me once but he's on a lot and I missed out by about 2 minutes :(
well, ogame is over for me by the looks of it...

ive been banned in uni 3...

"This account is banned until 2033-03-13 15:20:20, ban information here .
If you have any questions please contact your gameoperator.

NOTICE: If you have an OGame Commander subscription you have to cancel it yourself.
Otherwise subscription is renewed automatically even if your account stays banned.
i dont even know why. :confused:

this is really annoying... i dont think ive sworn in any msgs, i dont think ive bashed anyone. :confused:
UncleBob said:
Someone probably saw your username and thought thy'd pull a fast one :p

not too far off the mark there...

3 people found my username offensive and i need to change it to something a bit 'cleaner' lol.

any suggestions?
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