***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

His fleet must be out - But nicking his deut supply would annoy him:
Resources on Minas Tirith [2:126:5] at 11-06 22:37:40
Metal: 279 Crystal: 139
Deuterium: 626829 Energy: 3970
Espionage Probe 10 Solar Satellite 10
Missile Launcher 80 Small Laser 14
Heavy Laser 4 Gauss Cannon 5
Ion Cannon 10 Small Shield Dome 1
Anti-ballistic Missile 20
Metal Mine 21 Crystal Mine 19
Deuterium Synthesizer 15 Solar Plant 19
Fusion Plant 10 Robotic Factory 10
Nanite Factory 2 Shipyard 10
Metal Storage 5 Crystal Storage 5
Deuterium Tank 3 Research Lab 11
Rocket Silo 3
Espionage Technology 9 Computer Technology 10
Weapon Technology 8 Shielding Technology 6
Armour Technology 9 Energy Technology 8
Hyperspace Technology 6 Combustion Engine 9
Impulse Engine 6 Hyperspace Engine 6
Laser Technology 10 Ion Technology 5
Plasma Technology 3

So I recon a planet in his SS would be good, if someone has a phalanx and can garuntee his fleet being away for over 30 mins. :)
Captain Fizz said:
His fleet must be out - But nicking his deut supply would annoy him:
Resources on Minas Tirith [2:126:5] at 11-06 22:37:40
Metal: 279 Crystal: 139
Deuterium: 626829 Energy: 3970
Espionage Probe 10 Solar Satellite 10
Missile Launcher 80 Small Laser 14
Heavy Laser 4 Gauss Cannon 5
Ion Cannon 10 Small Shield Dome 1
Anti-ballistic Missile 20
Metal Mine 21 Crystal Mine 19
Deuterium Synthesizer 15 Solar Plant 19
Fusion Plant 10 Robotic Factory 10
Nanite Factory 2 Shipyard 10
Metal Storage 5 Crystal Storage 5
Deuterium Tank 3 Research Lab 11
Rocket Silo 3
Espionage Technology 9 Computer Technology 10
Weapon Technology 8 Shielding Technology 6
Armour Technology 9 Energy Technology 8
Hyperspace Technology 6 Combustion Engine 9
Impulse Engine 6 Hyperspace Engine 6
Laser Technology 10 Ion Technology 5
Plasma Technology 3

So I recon a planet in his SS would be good, if someone has a phalanx and can garuntee his fleet being away for over 30 mins. :)

That would be nice. I could deffinately beat his defense, but I would suffer a few losses. Anyone else feel like taking him down? I might have a go when my fleet gets back.

I have spent the last few days trying to build my defenses up so he won't be able to attack me, but it isn't going to be easy.

stu4691 said:

Is there anyone on the Ocuk forums that plays in Uni 8?


Yup am in Uni 8 - been playing for about a month. Not playing loads - couple of hours on a night at most. In Galaxy 4 if you are anywhere nearby.
woah this threads still going...

damn you Davey for overtaking me in the scores... :/ been trying to find time to set up raids and that... but at the moment im just living off what my mines produce ! :(
fRostiE said:
woah this threads still going...

damn you Davey for overtaking me in the scores... :/ been trying to find time to set up raids and that... but at the moment im just living off what my mines produce ! :(
Heheh, knew I'd catch you eventually :p I've had a few good crashes recently which have helped a lot, and I've been building constantly on my moon since I got it. :)
Thanks Davey. It always nice having a tough big brother :p I shall let you know if he continues to harass me. I am short on dueterium at the moment, so he is making a nice target out of himself. 600K is a lot.

Bar said:
Yup am in Uni 8 - been playing for about a month. Not playing loads - couple of hours on a night at most. In Galaxy 4 if you are anywhere nearby.

I have 3 colonies in 4, 3 in 5 and my original in 3. Not too dangerous at the moment. I have a decent defence on my planet and it seems to discourage attackers from raiding me.
Caustic said:
Thanks Davey. It always nice having a tough big brother :p I shall let you know if he continues to harass me. I am short on dueterium at the moment, so he is making a nice target out of himself. 600K is a lot.

I've spoken to one of the high ranking members of his alliance. We've agreed that attacking for profit is fine, but if he bashes you for no reason I'll do the same to him. Simply make sure there's no profit in attacking you and he'll leave you alone :)
Thank you. I have nothing against people attacking me if there is profit in it, thats the game, but he was just picking on me. He has scanned me about half a dozen times today, but so far, no attacks.

However, my defenses are coming along nicely. With a bit of luck, I should soon have enough that if he did attack, he would suffer at least a few losses.

Quick question regarding fleetsaving. I take it I load up everything I want to save on my ships and send them on a low speed to someone in our alliance? I've got over 100,000 in Det that I'm saving, the metal and crystal I've just used up and I've got someone spying on me.
R0551 said:
Quick question regarding fleetsaving. I take it I load up everything I want to save on my ships and send them on a low speed to someone in our alliance? I've got over 100,000 in Det that I'm saving, the metal and crystal I've just used up and I've got someone spying on me.
No, if you send it to someone else on a transport mission you'll drop the res at their planet. There are 3 effective ways to fleetsave.....

1) Slow raid. Pick an inactive player with no defence, load up all your ships, and attack them slowly with the speed adjusted accordingly.

2) Harvesting. Get yourself some recyclers, aim them and the entire fleet at a nearby DF, again adjusting the time.

3) Deployment. Send your fleet to a nearby colony to deploy them there.

Option 3 is the safest if you're in an area with moons. You can be phalanxed on all 3 missions, but at least with the deployment mission, you can recall the fleet if you see an attack is incoming. With the other 2 methods you could be hit with no chance of avoiding it.
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