***The (renamed) official Ogame thread***

wow i used to play this AGES ago! might rejoin yous! uni 3?

Oops, missed this - Uni3 yeah, we're the top alliance, can offer help advice and training, we have irc and an active forum; http://tng.fleetcrashers.net/index.php :D

Also, if you join and stick around for a bit (to show you are interested), we've a couple accounts already available to help you progress. :)
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This thread popped up the other day and inspired me to have another go at ogame. I was in the top 100 in uni 7 until I quit and I even had another ocuk username (Ian Mac) but the passwords got changed and I forgot the old one.

I am now in uni 43 and doing pretty well again after a couple of weeks. If anyone else is in uni 43 and needs some help then give me a shout.
Still in Uni 11 with Russia alliance, currently ranked 5th.

Got pegged back by #1 player and my 170k defence failed.
anyone found ogame really slow at the start? or am i missing something about making a good startup formular ?
Just made an account on the redesigned universe number 42. Username Nieldo.

Played this for a few weeks a while back, liked the idea but forgot about it somewhere along the way.

Homeworld Location: Universe 42, Galaxy 3, Solar System 272, Planet 9.

8 planets in system, I have one. There are 6 other people here, 4 of which are my level. But theres a guy called Theta ranked 1968 who has two colonys here. No room for expansion on my part at the moment :(.

edit: Thought I was being attacked then, but it was just me227 sending a transport. Im assuming there is a grace period before people can attack you?
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If anybody new wants to play this I've started a new alliance called OcUK in Uni 42. Currently only two members. :p
I'll get in on that. What should I be aiming for defence/fleet wise early game.

Or is there any buildings I should be making adash for besides upgrading my Metal/Crystal/Energy output?

Edit: Thanks for those resources me227, they really helped me along. Currently got Metal Mine lvl 10, Crystal Mine lvl 7, Deuterium Synthesizer lvl 2 and Solar Plant lvl 9. I also got some extra metal storage space as well as robotics factory 2 with the aim of working towards solar satellite's, it looks like its required for pretty much everything else as well. Still no fleet or defence though.
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I mostly upgraded my mines. Then just checked what I needed to research for the cruiser and heavy fighters.

It was quite a while before I attacked someone but it shouldn't be too long for you.
Theres a guy in my system, next planet along from me whos at my level. I might have a go at him because I know he will be thinking the same thing.
Well I'm now addicted to OGame.

My main rival at the moment in my system is the guy next to me at planet 10, Ive managed to get a group of 3 espionage probes to his planet and its guarded by 1 rocket launcher and 1 light fighter. And thanks to me227's gift of resources at the start Ive managed to zoom past him economy wise. Im now building 4 light fighters and a small cargo ship with the sole intention to start raiding him daily. Also have my research taking me towards Heavy Fighters and eventually cruisers/colony ships.
Just started to play this.
I think i might get attacked soon though because theres a guy with 4 planets ranked 181 :(
and i can only see 1 guy in the alliance. Dunno if its the right 1
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If anybody new wants to play this I've started a new alliance called OcUK in Uni 42. Currently only two members. :p

Hey there ive signed up too, played a couple of years ago, im at 4:498:10. How can i join the alliance?

Edit- just found it and applied!
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Nieldo, start on raiding inactives first as it is much easier than targetting live players, build up your computer tech so you can have loads of raids of inactives going on. Download Speedsim so you can see if you will win fights against ships and defences. www.speedsim.net/

I never bother with heavy fighters at the start as they use a lot of res that you could be using elsewhere. You should be able to raid inactive players and people with no defence until you can build cruisers or even battleships. Cargo ships will make you a lot more res than fighting ships will.

Some people suggest building lots of colonies as soon as possible but I normally build up my main planet a lot before even thinking about colonies. Spread your colonies about all over the place rather than all together, raiding/fleet crashing will get you a lot more res than relying on mines. If all your colonies are in one place then you are really limited in what you can do especially if someone nearby has a moon which they will do.

One of the most important aspects of ogame is making sure that you are not a good target for someone else by making sure that you have very few resources on your planet and enough defence to make it not worth while someone attacking you. Dont go overboard on defence though as someone will always be able to beat it.
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Cheers for the tips. Been raiding this guy whos active, I didnt know you could raid inactives. I woke up this morning and scanned his planet again, I raided him about 3 times yesterday each time bringing in nice resources. Hes built one rocket launcher and two light lasers but I used speedsim and my 7 light fighters will do him in.

After that I'll look into the inactives that arre in my system. Ive got computer tech level one so I can send some raiders and scan people at the same time.
I'm currently aiming to research hyperspace driver lvl 3 and then I can build battleships. I built two colonies in the same system as my homeworld. It's handy to have them when you're saving up a lot of resources for one of the big research projects.

I forgot all about speedsim! I've already lost a few cruisers in failed attacks. I'll try and help whoever is new to the alliance and then once we've got more bigger players we can all help new players.

Neildo don't be building too many solar satellites as they'll get destroyed if someone attacks you then you're screwed for power.
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Well ive applied but I think you have to confirm the application. As for colonys, I cant see any empty planets near me but Im working my way up the research and should have access to colony ships soon enough.
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