I can understand that, but nowadays its our alliance doing the moon destroying in uni3
TNG, the original OCUK based alliance in uni3.org is now ranked number 1
We have 20 of the top 100 player ranks
We have 20 of the top 100 rank fleets
Our largest fleeter ranked number 2 has over 400,000 ships, with enough resources on hand to build sufficient to become number 1 within a week
Our wing (with newer players) is ranked number 9 in the universe, stronger than most of the main alliances!!
We have an active forum for alliance members with a wealth of experience and additional data and systems to give you a good leg up. Information is ammunition and we have it by the bucketfull. Prove yourself as a good player in the wing and you will be upgraded to one of several spare accounts to play instead, with substantial mines, technology and/or ships.
We can teach you how to play, support you when you need it and revenge you if it comes to that. We dont take no **** and most players know it.
Whether you want to mine, turtle or fleet TNG/A are the alliances for you, so sign up now