Funny you say that, I have a few females friends who have decided to start same sex relationship now.Solution is to become gay and these lonely straight men could become happy gay men with plenty of like minded partners being available.
I just don't see what's in it for me.
Sex - isn't that special
Cooking - modern women won't do it
Cleaning - modern women won't do it
Childcare - modern women won't do it
Divorce - a huge risk
The math just doesn't add up.
I just don't see what's in it for me.
Sex - isn't that special
Cooking - modern women won't do it
Cleaning - modern women won't do it
Childcare - modern women won't do it
Divorce - a huge risk
The math just doesn't add up.
I cant say i agree with this at all..... The kids maybe, but that can go both ways with men and women i suppose but i think it is nonsence that middle aged men are looking for virgin wives!.......... I can only speak for myself but i know when i was single kids was not a show stopper for me really - which is funny as i never wanted children of my own until i got with my current wife and as for their past relationships - i really could not care less if they had relationships before me and now mid 40s would be surprised if a woman hadnt had one if i was looking.A lot of middle aged men will settle for a secondhand car, but not want a secondhand wife. The problem for them is many British women are very much secondhand at 16, let alone 46, so finding a mint condition one, and even without the baggage of teenage kids in tow, to boot, is a problem.
I just don't see what's in it for me.
Sex - isn't that special
Cooking - modern women won't do it
Cleaning - modern women won't do it
Childcare - modern women won't do it
Divorce - a huge risk
I just can't fathom why women aren't falling over themselves to date this's a head-scratcher.Are their standards becoming 'too high' or have they simply realised there is potentially more to life than being some guys live in maid that he expects (by the sound of it, unfulfilling) sex from?
YouTube, gaming, pron.I blame the internet. Lots of single blokes sitting in their bedroom gaming their life away rather than going out and actually meeting women.
Women expecting the man they want to be rich and succesful...
My mid 20's son has said the same. A lot of his friends seem to swing both ways.Funny you say that, I have a few females friends who have decided to start same sex relationship now.
I am a live and let live kind of person. So long as all people in a relationship are happy that is what matters...... Same sex relationship (if you are talking physical and not just 2 mates living together and sharing bills) is a none starter for me. I would argue for ever for the right of 2 men to be a couple, but it isnt something i could ever consider.My mid 20's son has said the same. A lot of his friends seem to swing both ways.
Anecdotal evidence, I've known far more single women in their 30's that are unhappy with their lot than single men.
I'm sure both sides think the same.Too many whales in the ocean and not enough sexy fish.
Only if you're both pulling your financial weight.It also makes the financial side much easier!
I cant say i agree with this at all..... The kids maybe, but that can go both ways with men and women i suppose but i think it is nonsence that middle aged men are looking for virgin wives!.......... I can only speak for myself but i know when i was single kids was not a show stopper for me really - which is funny as i never wanted children of my own until i got with my current wife and as for their past relationships - i really could not care less if they had relationships before me and now mid 40s would be surprised if a woman hadnt had one if i was looking.
and as for the very much second hand at 16........... that is a pretty offensive thing to even think, let alone say isnt it?