The Royals

The royals are important for all the people around them, those they employ, the charities the institutions and the military.

Knowing they are watching over brings out the best in people and keeps high standards in the circles they interact with. They themselves as individuals may be flawed but the sum of the institution is far bigger and more valuable than any one person involved. It's something Britain should keep as its very much a part of our unique identity and a part many other countries envy.

In the era of rampant individualism, service and submission to a larger ideal is radical and I think is seen by many as something evil or dangerous. You have to be careful not to throw all the good away with what you perceive as an outsider as something bad. Have you ever spoken to anyone who has worked for the royals? I have and they had nothing but gratitude for being able to be part of something with such high standards.
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I don't agree that we're seeing individualism. People still have their tribes, arguably more so than ever.
The royals are important for all the people around them, those they employ, the charities the institutions and the military.

Knowing they are watching over brings out the best in people and keeps high standards in the circles they interact with. They themselves as individuals may be flawed but the sum of the institution is far bigger and more valuable than any one person involved. It's something Britain should keep as its very much a part of our unique identity and a part many other countries envy.

In the era of rampant individualism, service and submission to a larger ideal is radical and I think is seen by many as something evil or dangerous. You have to be careful not to throw all the good away with what you perceive as an outsider as something bad. Have you ever spoken to anyone who has worked for the royals? I have and they had nothing but gratitude for being able to be part of something with such high standards.

Is that you Charles ?
Personally I like the royals, they are part of the countries charm/character. Having said that I wouldn't want to do their job, not for love nor money.

I mean lets put it in perspective, you grow up in old houses that were last redecorated when steam engines were cutting edge technology and have only been updated since because because mains electricity was invented. From the ages of 12 to death you work 40-60 hours a week as a civil servant, and if there's a war happening in your late teens/early 20s you get sent off to serve in it, great.
I don't agree that we're seeing individualism. People still have their tribes, arguably more so than ever.

If you think the mindset of Brits post 1960s cultural revolution is less individual that what came before, you are mad. Even within the current tribes (I think I know what you are getting at) everyone bar a few devout religions people are playing under exactly the same overarching system. The mantra of the 21st century is to believe in yourself and to mistrust institutions.
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BBC with zero morals or humility now broadcast a panorama programme this pm, about how they conned Diane ? maybe it should just be replaced by a sincere apology,
what reparations, are appropriate, that don't involve handing over tv license payer's money
The royals are important for all the people around them, those they employ, the charities the institutions and the military.

Knowing they are watching over brings out the best in people and keeps high standards in the circles they interact with. They themselves as individuals may be flawed but the sum of the institution is far bigger and more valuable than any one person involved. It's something Britain should keep as its very much a part of our unique identity and a part many other countries envy.

In the era of rampant individualism, service and submission to a larger ideal is radical and I think is seen by many as something evil or dangerous. You have to be careful not to throw all the good away with what you perceive as an outsider as something bad. Have you ever spoken to anyone who has worked for the royals? I have and they had nothing but gratitude for being able to be part of something with such high standards.

They could easily do all those things (excluding the military) whilst living as private citizens, why must they also be involved (pointlessly) in government functions?
Nobody made her say the things she said in that interview.
exploitation of a vulnerable individual by the BBC for ratings/money ... now, even, repeated, with Oprah interview of Meghan

I'm sure it must have been suggested before - Harry married someone like his mother.
She can dissolve them and has to sign/can diced not sign the laws :cry:

Advise you watch the whole video before coming back as you did not ion that time. ;)
That doesn't mean she has "power" in government. It's just bias reporting. Instead, try using credible sources :rolleyes:
exactly -
you watch a few seconds of that video and know you are wasting your time ..
and, you go and do something more interesting instead, like 3million previous zoomers didn't, lifes too short.
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