The scared maze kid.



4 Aug 2005
I know theres a thread but thats for the funnyness and traumatic awesomeness that is that video.............but oh no wait.
The parents are apperently being taken to court or something, im trying to get a proper link, but its apparently on reuters. This is a copy and paste from another forum so it may or may not be bull till i or someone else can find a link.
Huntsville, AL - (Reuters)

A popular internet video may be funny for some, but for one small child, it's a lifetime of trauma.
The Huntsville district of The Alabama Dept. for Children and Families is investigating the
traumatic act brought upon by an internet game. In the game, the main goal is to navigate a
small dot through a maze without touching any of the sides. The caveat of this is that the
game gets a person to concentrate on the dot, when all of a sudden a loud screaming picture
(most likely from "The Exorcist") appears on the screen to scare the player.

Bobby and Jo-ann Durrett could face criminal charges if they are found guilty of risk of injury to a minor
when they videotaped their son Robert Jr. being traumatized by the popular prank. Robert Jr. has not
been able to sleep since the February 8th event.

The popular internet portal "You Tube" is host to the infamous video, that
has made it's way around to all the internet denizens.
In light of the proceedings, both the Durrett's and YouTube Inc have declined comment.
Since the incident, Robert Jr has been placed in the care or Pamela Jackson, Mrs. Durrett's mother.

Although a prank well placed can a delightful joke for some,
resorting to the malicious traumatization of a young child is not
the wisest deicision that a parent can make.
In an effort to curb harmful content from chicldren. The Alabama
Coalition Against Youth Violence has taken a stance against "You Tube".
"Let's face facts. Violence in youth was not a problem 20 or 30 years ago.
Everyone today can be victimized by nothing more than a frightening event."

Indeed, this country is run by people who, when they were children,
started off by watching "Tom and Jerry" cartoons.

As for Robert Durrett Jr?

"He'll be brought to a Juvenile Psychotherapist to undergo a series
of treatments that we hope within 6-12 months will forsee
a full and complete recovery". The Durretts seem to be praying that the
"x" factor will give them the luck they need to avoid any criminal charges.

So, how do you feel on the matter?
Thats just over the top, whats this world coming to when u cant even scare the bejeesus out of your own kid :mad::(

Somepeople are idiots, they should look at warner brother cartoons, they are full of violents.(not saying they are bad) But no body complains about them. One little scary moment for the kid wont traumize him. What will traumitzie him is if he gets taken away from his mum and dad. He will always stugle to know why he has know mum or dad and this will probably turn him into a ***** when he gets older because all the hate he would have gained for people and the world.
These welfare agencys just dont know what they do are doing sometimes:mad:

Tbh that movie thing is something i would do:D
"Let's face facts. Violence in youth was not a problem 20 or 30 years ago.
Everyone today can be victimized by nothing more than a frightening event."
Yeah no one even knew what violence was in the early 80s :rolleyes:

Maybe it's overreacting a bit to face the parents with criminal charges. But it still wasn't a nice thing to do to their kid.
UOcUK Poopscoop said:
I think taking the child into care is a bit extreme but I would also question the parenting abilities of his mum and dad to be honest.

I wouldn't show that to my 8 year old anyway.

I agree. I think people are forgetting that this is a little kid - if that had happened to me at that age I'm sure I would have been traumatised. There's absolutely nothing wrong with scaring kids for fun....but that was going too far, IMO. They didn't even try to calm him down? Just stood there laughing at him and filming? Idiots. sorry.
I've let my brother do similar things on the net and I felt pretty bad afterwards, but I didn't videotape it and stick it on the net for people to laugh at. :eek:

edit: I've just watched it with sound and listening to the kid cry is awful. :(

I actually told my brother that something scary was going to happen, but watching that kid looking at the screen and him not knowing at all is awful and the parent laughing is shocking. A step too far if you ask me.
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i did the exact same thing to my ex's brother once. It was a really similar thing, some of you will have seen it. It's a where's Wally game but there is no wally, you concentrait on it cos you're looking for him and after 30 seconds or so a scary face screams at you.

I thought it'd be hillarious to do it to her little brother (was 7 at the time i think) and he cried his eyes out and reacted almost exactly the same way. Felt really, really guilty afterwards :(

Seems like a fun idea cos if someone had done it to me i'd have jumped and then found it hillarious but to a sprog it must be terrifying.

Ridiculous to suggest that the kid should be taken into care over it though, it was foolish to do it abut if someone as cool as me can make the same mistake then anyone can ;)
The chap probably shouldn't have done that to the kid, but then, he probably wasn't expecting that kind of reaction to it. Heck, the kid had probably just finished playing Doom 3 (or even 1).
The thing is, someone's probably seen a way to further their career, and jumped on the opportunity....
I feel sorry for the kid, I don't blame him for being scared like that at such an impressionable age.

I don't think his olds should be prosecuted for it though, I'm sure they feel bad enough as it is and I can't see them waiting for him to recover then running into his room at 3am waving chainsaws about.
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