The scared maze kid.


best thing I've seen all week, just what was needed after finding out I didn't get the holidays I wanted from work.
heh poor kid...what a woose but poor kid!

That maze thing got me as well and me yelping also made my wife jump higher than I did :D
Ok, so it was mean to scare the kid - but then again the folks probably weren't expecting him to react like that!

I wonder if anyone's stopped to think that taking the kid away from his folks will cause more trauma than the scary program. Bit OTT.
bfar said:
Ok, so it was mean to scare the kid - but then again the folks probably weren't expecting him to react like that!

I wonder if anyone's stopped to think that taking the kid away from his folks will cause more trauma than the scary program. Bit OTT.

Look for one of my posts in this thread. Its almost although people over looked me saying that :( :rolleyes:
I'm not going to lie to you. When I saw that video a few days back I was laughing a lot. Now I really feel sorry for the child :(
If it was the sister or brother I would say fair enough that is a step too far. But the parents, surely they should've have known it would've hurt the child in some way or form.
eXSBass said:
they should've have known it would've hurt the child in some way or form.
BS, god I hate when people riase their children "wrapped in a woolen blancket".
Kid got a fright, we laughed, end of story. All this Psychobabble is nonsense.
sup3rc0w said:
BS, god I hate when people riase their children "wrapped in a woolen blancket".
Kid got a fright, we laughed, end of story. All this Psychobabble is nonsense.

Perhaps it would be more easy for me to know this and say it partially because:
a) I am not a parent
b) I was frightened when I was young and couldn't go sleep for a few weeks or walk in the dark for a few weeks :(

But all in all I stick by what I said :)
Not a parent either, I do however feel all this sort of stuff has been taken too far. I mean, I'm not scarred coz of the times i got the living crap scared out of me by my much older cousin. I'd say im better off for it, coz im not a muppet (like some of my workmates i just caught out with that game :) ) and wont fall for practical jokes easily at all... been through it, know when to keep my guard up.
Personally i think it is quite funny - when inflicted on myself, as im old enough to see the funny side.

I think for a kid of that age it depends entirly on the personality of the kid. some might find it funny also, others (like the one in the vid) might not :)
When I was a kid, a film came out about Killer Bees, and one of the sets of parents at our PTA let their kid watched that film. It seriously screwed him up, he couldn't sleep properly for months.

Don't underestimate the effect some of these things can have. Also think about the fact that that kid could be recognised when he goes to school and the living mick taken out of him... very harsh of the parents to film it tbh...
sup3rc0w said:
Not a parent either, /snip.

Then, with respect, you do not have the perspective that parents do.

I agree with you on the 'psychobabble rubbish' (I am usually the first to :rolleyes: at that!) but for a parent to deliberately terrify a child and then laugh at their distress is appalling.
IMO it's not that bad a thing to do. Its no worse than putting on a mask and jumping out from behind a door or piece of furnature during halloween.

Heck when I was about that age my parents used to take me for walks in the woods. I used to run off a bit, my parents resulted to telling me there were big bears in the woods. ~My mum even went so far as to running off ahead of me once and jumping out from behind a tree roaring at me. I was petrified at the time. But I lived to tell the tail, no perminant scars.
This kid has had no worse a scare. IMO.

The only thing these parents did wrong was post it on the internet. They should have sent it to America Funniest Videos and got the $200 reward.
Doubt its true but that does scare the poop outta a bit shakey still -.- I never usually fall for any net pranks, ah well first for everything lol
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Zain, with almost 400 posts, I'd think you'd know not to use swear words by now.... :p

As for the video thing - the kid's a crybaby. My dad used to scare the living bejesus out of my brother and I every easter by coming running into our room at 5:30AM yelling at the top of his lungs in a really funky, scary voice (think Crunk from Goonies), "FEE, FIE, FO, FUM!!" and using a very sadistic (think Vincent Price) laugh. This was after telling us the story the night before about the Easter Bunny being 6'4" tall, 350 pounds with six inch long claws and 9 inch long fangs and that he loved to devour small children and could smell thier blood from miles away!!

Oh, and the scary part wouldn't start until he was midair towards jumping on the end of our beds!! So we'd wake up to a 210 pound man bounding onto the foot of our beds fulfilling the story he'd told us the night before.

He'd also wait up for us if/when we stayed out too long and got home after dark. We lived WAY out in the woods. There was absolutely NO light anywhere. It was darker than shutting yourself in a bank vault. My father (the loving parent he was) would wait out in the front yard hidden behind a cedar tree that was right by the front walk. When we walked past (within arms reach), he would reach out and grab us by the shirt/jacket and hollar like a bear!!

Now, you're all probably thinking my father was the meanest, cruelest parent that ever lived..... WRONG!! He loved both of us very much and did these things to teach us some of life's most important lessons.

1. Don't believe everything you hear in a story. Most of it's made up and exaggerated by the story teller.

2. Learn to be aware of your surroundings. and when your surroundings are unfriendly, learn to defend yourself against them. My father stopped the behind-the-tree-grabbing-thing very shortly after my brother (6'1", 235) knocked him cold and the next night I almost castrated him. He also stopped the Easter Bunny thing when my brother and I stayed up all night to be awake when he came in in the morning. We hid behind the door to our room and when he creeped in to scare us, we scared him instead!! :D

We'd learned our lessons and followed through. It wasn't him being mean, it was him being a good teacher.
I admit when the video started playing I was laughing , when the kid jumped I was laughing .. when he started bawling his eyes out whilst his parents continued to film and laugh I felt uncomfortable :/

Of course you can have a laugh scaring kids .. it's funny but when they are bawling their eyes out and are physically shaking they need a cuddle off their parent and not for them to point and laugh !!
Piggymon said:
I admit when the video started playing I was laughing , when the kid jumped I was laughing .. when he started bawling his eyes out whilst his parents continued to film and laugh I felt uncomfortable :/

Of course you can have a laugh scaring kids .. it's funny but when they are bawling their eyes out and are physically shaking they need a cuddle off their parent and not for them to point and laugh !!

You need to point and laugh harder... school of hard knocks, gets them ready for the real world! ;)
Piggymon said:

...not really... well maybe a little! ;)

It must be said in our office you got little bits of sparodic laughter as it got passed around... no one is feeling guilty either, odd.
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