**The Secret World**

I've actually really been enjoying this BWE so far. The graphics are pretty stunning in places (some well ropey textures on character clothes though!) and the whole setting is right up my alley.

I'd pre-order it like a shot, if it wasn't for the £12.99 a month sub, which frankly, isn't so much taking the pee as submerging you in an Olympic sized swimming pool of the stuff; and then dragging you out and waterboarding you in it.
I've actually really been enjoying this BWE so far. The graphics are pretty stunning in places (some well ropey textures on character clothes though!) and the whole setting is right up my alley.

I'd pre-order it like a shot, if it wasn't for the £12.99 a month sub, which frankly, isn't so much taking the pee as submerging you in an Olympic sized swimming pool of the stuff; and then dragging you out and waterboarding you in it.

I felt the game was half decent yet didnt warrant the monthly subscription. There are far better MMO's available that require no monthly sub. Asking for one is just arrogant, ignorant and downright ridiculous. I doubt this game will do well based on that...

In any chance ive been given another beta key... No idea why but whoever wants it first can have it...

Here it is: 8SF5YQFQEKBDL89HHFC4
Quite Frankly your all over exaggerated on how bad the game is i played a good 12 hrs of it so far and my genral thoughts are ive played far worse than this the game is good ,
(i said good not brilliant)

This game would proberly suit console players instead of PCplayers as looks more like console gameplay to me.

7/10 i give just for trying and 8/10 of unique character builds u can make ,

Overall simple game simple graphics , and if u dont know how to play it then dont
First-day impression: I'm not getting all the hate toward this game.

Great setting - It's the first present-day era online game that I've found appealing. I will admit I'm a sucker for apocalypse-style settings though. I like the way I'm walking through London one moment, then going into a subway station and finding vines growing along the walls and finally ending up in a sort of portal nexus. It feels nice and fresh compared to all the fantasy MMOs, and even compared to SWTOR.

Presentation - Aside from the awful "OHI IMA TEMPLAR" initial cutscenes the storytelling of Kingsmouth has been great.

Non-standard character progression - I like the way you can invest points into all those different styles of weapons or magic. Speaking of which, I like the way they've made magic fit in with modern (and not-so-modern) weapons. Skill levels limiting the quality of each particular type of weapon you can equip seem to be "level in disguise" though; that could have been done better but imo the good outweighs the bad when it comes to the skill/ability system.

The quest structuring is great - I'm especially enjoying the investigation missions, they've provided the means for you to figure out what to do next for yourself without making it some blindingly obvious breadcrumb trail. Eg. when I wanted to know where the doctor's office is for a side-quest, I remembered the phone book from a previous quest. I used that to find the address, and then found the street on my map. Other people were asking in general chat. As Kryten would say: "Engage smug mode."

Another example: Guessing the doctor's computer password. There is a shattered photo frame in his room that mentions "fireworks timed to my favourite composer". His password hint was "music of the seasons". The password was:
Side-quests should tie in with each other better though. The quest "The Raven" had me chasing down a revenant, and the quest after that one seemed completely unrelated :| There are *a lot* of side-quests though, and they aren't all the standard talk-to-NPC-get-an-objective formula.

Combat - What I wouldn't give to be able to actually aim those guns I'm carrying. It's disappointing that the combat is based on targetting and that basically every weapon aka "class" is based on a combo point system. That said, the variety of weapons and spells available keeps things interesting even though you're restricted to 7 at a time.

Can't comment on the graphics or performance, currently stuck with an old PC while my proper rig's off for repair :(

£12.99/mo sub though? G.T.F.O! Especially since I haven't even seen any group content yet. Just to put that price into perspective, it's about the same as my home contents insurance. In this age when games like Planetside 2 (DO WANT! :Q___) are free-to-play, that price will kill this game.
I came across a grp dungeon in the second area, Solomon Close Rigsta.

But yeah, really not getting the hate. Run it at ultra (I'm only on a 470+3750k) and it looks stunning, mainly thanks to the changing times and effect they have on the backgrounds.

Actually, I've remembered one other thing that I didn't like (to go along with the sub price). In certain occasions, when you die and put in your anima form, the whole screen goes virtually pitch black and you have absolutely no idea where you are or how to get to your body to revive.
it cant be unexpected - these are the people that brought us anarchy offline (i was on ISDN at the time and was stuck inside a shop, unable to zone)

never go into a shop to buy ammo if youre playing a funcom game.
A lot of people just won't be patient enough for this game. It's a lot deeper than it looks. How many people doing the Illuminati starting area actually went and googled 'tripping jaguars' for instance? I love they way they've woven in a load of real life stuff and done up fake websites for Kingsmouth and the like. And the writing and acting is head and shoulders above anything else out there.

That said, it is a Funcom game, and therefore held together with rotten sticky tape. They've also been extremely greedy with their AoC cash shop, so I don't expect much from this one.
it cant be unexpected - these are the people that brought us anarchy offline (i was on ISDN at the time and was stuck inside a shop, unable to zone)

never go into a shop to buy ammo if youre playing a funcom game.

That's totally a good enough reason to bash it :p

I'm going to play it... whenever it's decided it can't keep the game as much as it costs with a monthly sub, one day.. maybe they'll even fix a lot of the problem that'll inevitably happen unlike leaving them for, and this is a good enough reason, years. :D
It might end up with a pretty decent community. You can already see the kiddies in Kingsmouth general chat raging with the whole "y u no tell me how to do quest!" rubbish, and then getting laughed out of the building :D
I actually don't mind the game, but given it has a hefty box price, sub fee and cash shop, I'll be waiting until this one goes F2P before playing it, especially with Funcom's incredibly poor record of launches and post launch support for its games.
Was really disappointed with this.

The controls are TERRIBLE, not at all what I would expect from a quality game. Graphics were nice, didn't experience any problems running it on max settings but the game itself just felt sluggish and very unresponsive.

Also having a maze type quest within the first 10 minutes with no map is a horrible idea, I was forcing myself to bear with it just to see if it got better but I can imagine a lot of players just logging off at that point.

All in all a good idea poorly executed. I'll check it out again in a few patches because I think it could have potential but no way I'd pay for this game let alone pay a sub fee.
The Secret World Beta Weekend #4: 'The Battle Begins' - starts on June 22nd

Your secret society needs you! On June 22nd at 9am PDT (16:00 GMT / 17:00 BST / noon EDT) the fourth, biggest and final Beta Weekend for The Secret World kicks off, offering a preview of the epic conflict between the three secret societies: the Illuminati, the Dragon and the Templars. The Beta Weekend will run until June 24th at 11.59pm PDT (Monday June 25th, 06:59 GMT / 07:59 BST / 2.59am EDT).

This marks the first public opening of the massive, persistent player vs. player war zone where over two hundred players clash in adrenaline-fueled battles for power and world domination! Stonehenge and Eldorado are also opening up, allowing smaller groups of players to fight for control over the power held within these legendary locations.

In addition to all these exciting, new player vs. player experiences, all content from the previous Beta Weekends will be available. Your character progress from previous Beta Weekends carries over to this event, so you can continue your adventures in Kingsmouth, The Savage Coast, The Polaris and Hell Raised! You can also visit London, New York and Seoul to enjoy the Templars, Illuminati and Dragon starter experiences.

This is the final Beta Weekend before launch on July 3rd and we are ending with a bang. Everyone who has ever registered for The Secret World beta will get access to this final Beta Weekend. This is also true for anyone who has not registered yet but still registers by Friday, June 22nd. Players who were part of any of the previous Beta Weekends as well as certain other Funcom customers (including but not limited to current and previous Age of Conan subscribers) will also be given access. Everyone who is eligible will receive an e-mail in the next few days. If you have not already registered to join The Secret World beta we suggest that you do so to be sure you get in.
I didn't realise the sub was that high, oh well, don't think I'll activate my account until that drops or until a month before it goes free to play :)

I still really enjoyed the game though after giving it a chance, my initial impression was not good until I learnt how to play it properly/get the most out of it ie actually read the quests and listen to what npc's have to say, slow down and look around and only follow one questline at a time.
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I didn't get to play this much in the beta but what I did play I quite enjoyed,I didn't like the aiming system and got stuck in ladders a few times but as has been said it will be the 13 pound sub you have to pay to play that will kill it.

Anyways I have been sen another beta access key for the 22nd if anyone wants it your welcome here is the website to register:http://strongmail.funcom.com/track?...m&&&9029&&&http://register.thesecretworld.com
Then input this code:
Don't forget it's the last Beta weekend for TSW and they are opening up PVP for the first time including a 200 player warzone! --> Clicky Me <-- Anyone can get access, you just need to have registered by today.

That link will just take you to our site where we posted a copy of what they said about the beta.

(thanks to Sengar for above info :D)
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