**The Secret World**

There's not a lot of difference that I can see. I think it's the age of conan engine, that was the same with DX11, half the performance for zero benefit :)
I have a fairly powerful machine (as seen in my signature) and I have everything completely maxed out and I am running this in DX11 with around 30 fps, however, when using DX9, I get 100+ fps, so it's definitely not properly optimised for DX11, and I'd recommend that everyone use DX9 regardless of how good their machine is.
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Gotta say I'm still finding it hard to really enjoy this game. I've played templar and illuminati and while the story and cutscenes are good I just find myself logging out after an hour or so and playing something else.

I just find it very dull in some respects, maybe it's because I played Eq1 & 2, wow and daoc for so many years I just can't get into a game set in this type of world. Or it could be I find the lack of levels system utterly confusing when trying to gauge my characters strengths.

The sad thing is I really want to like it but it's just lacking something I can't put my finger on that makes it boring for me to play. I do like the quests though but wish you could have more at once

Will keep trying it til the free month runs out then see how I feel
Anyone else had problems buying through the Secret World site? My card transaction keeps failing. Gonna pop into the bank and ask what's up tomorrow, because the card works (bought some Android apps with it just yesterday)
regards no levels and knowing what you need group wise in raids, all your gear has a Q (quality) level , i regually see people askin forming *** group req Q5 gear minimum pst.

so the Q level is a guage of how high you are, ie you need to be fully Q6 etc to join.

its only been out 5 days and i'm gunna slow down a bit read all the lore stuff etc and not rush through it and moan theres nothing to do when i burn it out, but even if the end content aint there after a month i can quite rightly say it was one of the best games i have played in a long time and for £29 its a bargain
Played the beta + headstart but the game is not for me. Recieved my Retail key today (full game + 30 days gametime)

If anyone is interested I'd be willing to let it go for £20.
Enjoying the game immensely and I hated the beta; took a gamble and it payed off big time.

Running 100fps with i7 3770k, 16gb ram, Gtx 680 in dx9 on ultra settings and everything maxed (that dx9 allows ofc). Was running great in dx11 till they patched it and now i get random driver crashes/black screens. Go back to dx9 and it's fine.

Trying the new beta drivers from the 3/7/12 as recommended by others but still a crash 20 mins in. Been told to download dx end user run times by a gm (new pc and im downloading stuff like this :s). Yet to test.

Anyone else having a problem or any advice (newb pc tech, hardcore gamer lol).

I would still play this game on low/dx9 it's that good.


Anyone else had problems buying through the Secret World site? My card transaction keeps failing. Gonna pop into the bank and ask what's up tomorrow, because the card works (bought some Android apps with it just yesterday)

I had the same issue, bouncing back although my details were 100% correct. In the end i opted for Paypal - Although! After doing this i noticed i have no address details as it never promted me to enter them, worth a shot.


Also DX11 looks amazing the lighting compared to DX 9 unreal - I'm struggling to see how people aren't seeing any difference between them both other than the fps increase in dx9.
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I had the same issue, bouncing back although my details were 100% correct. In the end i opted for Paypal - Although! After doing this i noticed i have no address details as it never promted me to enter them, worth a shot.

Entered them in to billing address fields, but was still cancelling the transaction. Will update Paypal with my new card and give it a shot, cheers mate! :)
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