**The Secret World**

If you go into their store and search for 'Issue' you'll find Issue #5 and #6.

I dont know the specifics, but basically the core game your buying contains Issue #1-4, but 5 & 6 are separate. Theres a lot of content it the basic game, so much so that myself and 'MrFantastic' on here have been playing it for about 5wks, putting in tons of hours, and we're about 7/8th through the main quest areas, the first few we tried to complete everything before moving, although by the 4th area we've missed a few missions and side missions, although not intentionally, if we see a mission we can collect we'd do it, we just happen to have completed the main story quest and been told to move to the next area to complete it. So i'd say we've put in a good 200hrs, and we've skipped most cut-scenes etc, its huge
Cheers Paul, thats pretty good value then getting 1-4. However, all i can find on the store is issue 6, 5 doesnt show up. Luckily for me, ive got 1200 points somehow (maybe from buying it) so ill get issue 6 but like i say, 5 is awol.

edit, nevermind its showing now, i tried going to the store page via the game client and its there.
You can always get a 48h trial code, yeah. send me your email in trust and i can send you an invite.

If you bought the game this weekend, it came with 1200pts free. You also get 1200pts when you've completed 30 missions, which is pretty good cos again it means you can buy their DLC with it.

Issue 5 is 750pts, Issue 6 is 1200pts. Plus, if you've got your free months subscription (you dont need one, but you get 1mo free) you get 10% off everything too. So that makes them 675 & 1080.

As for finding them, they really make it hard to find, they spend so much time trying to sell you clothing and then hide the DLC which most people are usually ok with buying.
If you wanted to find them, they're under Boosts > Account (clicking on a submenu hides the contents, so hide boosts and character stuff, and it'll narrow it down).
cheers again Paul for the info, i searched for issue in their box but it is hard i agree!
i had the 1200 points from completing the quests so got issue 6 with that and bought 600 points but got 30% more which just got me over the 750 for issue 5, bit of a bargain for just over four quid spent :D
Yeah, you've done exactly what i did, and plan on doing this weekend for Issue 5.

The Issue 6 DLC wasnt as much/long as i'd hoped, but it was good, and i liked the fact that the missions followed, so you'd complete a mission and have the next part given to you or you'd be at the person to pick up the next. The tokens for completing stuff are decent too once you've got enough of them, and the side missions can be done every 18hr so you can go back each day and keep topping up till you have enough.

Its a cracking game for the amount of content in there. I bet it works out at about 5p/hr for how long ive played it, probably less. Theres plenty of games you'd struggle to get £1/hr (30hr from a £30 game) from them.

Urhm, I think I did it. Not entirely sure. Still getting used to the website :)
Nothing so far, although it might still be on its way.
I cant say im fond of the trust system, i wish we could just PM as im sure everyone is familiar with that. But i guess they have their reasons.
Nothing so far, although it might still be on its way.
I cant say im fond of the trust system, i wish we could just PM as im sure everyone is familiar with that. But i guess they have their reasons.
Urhm, do I have to add a comment or something? I'm not sure :D
We finally finished the main storylines in the core game earlier today, we've probably done 80-90% of the main missions & side missions in the 3 Solomon Islands maps, 70-80% in 2 Egypt areas, and about 40% in Transylvania (seems like we'd finish what side-missions we'd come across, and have none left to do so move onto the main quest mission, and before we know it we've completed it and hardly done anything in Trans3).
Ive done loads of the Egypt #1 missions multiple times, like 4-5 times in some cases, simply cos they're fun and give a nice dollop of XP.

I dunno why, but i've always really liked the first area in each zone (Sol, Egypt & Trans) and not been that fussed about the others after them.
Sol-2 wasnt bad, but 3 felt a lot more random compared to Sol-1 which was familiar and homely feeling. Egypt-2 lacked character IMO, where the first is my favourite region. Trans 1, 2 & 3 all seem about the same, but i still felt #1 was much nicer. I think each one starts quite familiar, as towns or villages, and then start to get darker and more over-run.

I've never quite known what to expect from MMO type games, im not fussed about traditional multiplayer content, i'd much rather play a rich storyline than 10 multiplayer maps over and over and over. Finding games with a co-op element is a real PITA, but im very tempted to start trying more MMORPG types, provided they have no subscription model.

Im really hoping that they release a full size DLC which adds an entire new region (like Solomon, Egypt & Transylvania) with a load of missions and stuff in there, rather than just side-expansions which is how i'd describe Issue 5 & 6.
Once you've completed the quests you're left with the dungeons and lairs, and unless theres a handful of you, they're just not possible. I've joined a Cabal and done one of the Elites, and fortunately my character best suits the healer role, so all i needed to do was kinda hang back, keep someone alive and not get killed myself. But as 'co-op' (2P), we've kinda struggled in places with just the 'normal' ones where its recommended QL3-4 and we're both packing full blue gear and unlocked all the skills & abilities we'd be able to take advantage of.
I guess the 'problem' is that they're not really designed for 2-3 people, it would have been nicer if they were scaled to the number of ppl in there, so say 100% difficulty for 1 person, 180% for 2, 260% for 3 etc, so progressively easier per-person if theres more people, but not near impossible if you dont have 2 others attacking with you, drawing agro/hate to give you time to heal or let someone else take the heat, and 2 people healing you, all to kill the exact same boss. It becomes pretty much impossible to beat a boss which has the intention of being taken on by 5 ppl.
The ones we've beat have mainly been through grinding it, slowly chipping away and not getting killed, rather than through skill, ability or cunning. I guess the thing is its content designed for groups, not 2 people, but it also feels like it could be adaptable for smaller groups so its still a challenge. Fortunately there are plenty of instances in the main game quests for that, but it does feel like the very top-tier stuff is kept at arms length unless you come with an army.

I quite fancy giving Guild Wars 2 a try after this, or at least checking out some alternatives.
put about 400 hours into this game, completed every mission in the game including dlcs, (you can tell because nearly every mission has an achievement which is pretty cool) now grinding nightmare dungeons for purple gear, the dungeons are more fun than other mmos, even dps have to stay on there toes, can see it running out of steam for me soon though if they don't add a bit more to end game, though in issue 8 there's a mysterious "repeatable content" of some kind coming so that might add a bit of longevity! the dcs so far are ok, but they only add about 3 hours of content each, (though its worth repeating the issue 6 line a few times for the 10.1 purple head piece (but probably pretty useless for people who already have maxed out nightmare gear)
Im really hoping that they release a full size DLC which adds an entire new region (like Solomon, Egypt & Transylvania) with a load of missions and stuff in there, rather than just side-expansions which is how i'd describe Issue 5 & 6.

sometime after issue 8 a new region tokyo will be out, it will continue the story, new missions new dungeon, new lair etc, think its a way off though!

The ones we've beat have mainly been through grinding it, slowly chipping away and not getting killed, rather than through skill, ability or cunning. I guess the thing is its content designed for groups, not 2 people, but it also feels like it could be adaptable for smaller groups so its still a challenge. Fortunately there are plenty of instances in the main game quests for that, but it does feel like the very top-tier stuff is kept at arms length unless you come with an army.

Thats generally how end game in mmos is designed, but the difference is almost all end game content in tsw is 5 man, not like 15+ people like a lot of mmos, (old skool mmos generally had 40 people all trying to take down 1 boss!) here atm there's only 1 10 man raid and lairs benefit from 9+ people to do them at a decent speed but that's it.
it is quite easy to get a group together for elites, just use the lfg tool until a tank is on, ur a heale,r invite some random dps and go! when you move on to nightmares, they're quite easily done in pick up groups as well, just make a beginner or relaxed group to avoid the elitists!
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yeah, we've picked up the Issue 6 purple, although you only get it once, but redoing it along with the side missions allows you to buy more of them with the credits, you get about 30 doing the 3 side missions and a full run through the main missions, and a purple at the end of it the first time, and so repeating it allows you to either pick a different head piece or get a purple signet for it, so its not too bad.

I had a look on the TSW website and read the news on the future DLC stuff, seems like they've got a lot of content planned, so while im not sure how much time we have left in the game as it is (going through and completing missions we've missed out) at least we can take a break and pick it up again in 3mo and have 1 or 2 new DLCs and areas to jump into.
My mate has a 670 card and a i7 950 cpu and 12gb of ram. He gets ridiculous low fps in dx11 where i get 50-60. What can the problem be do you think, we discussed almost all the usual things like drivers, dx, bios, windows updates etc so is there anything else or is there a known fps issue with 600 series cards in dx11?
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Just resubbed to this since release and stopped playing after a month. I guess theres a lot of new content, no idea what faction ill play as or what server, which one are you guys on?
How active is scecter world? I'm looking for a chilled mmo something along the lines of Guild wars and Star Wars: The Old Republic where I can play it at my own pace and solo most of the time.
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