The Show Off Your Tattoo Thread

26 Dec 2008
There seems to be a lot of tattoo threads being made recently so it just seems right to have an actual show off your tattoo thread.
Feel free to show off your tattoo and ask for advice on this thread.
Hopefully people will be able to get enough information on tattoos should they want to get one.


Friend designed it, ignore the man boobs and random bit fluff in the middle of the tattoo lol. I had just taken the bandage off it and washed it, part of the towel stayed off and I could pull it off at the time :p
yeah, generally i dont have my arms out so its not normally seen :]

My tattoo is high up enough to wear a short sleeve shirt and still be covered. So basically people can only see it when I show them it. Unless I am wearing my white work shirt then you can see the outline of it lol
It's a shame these trheads will be doomed to fail each time. There's one every few months. i'll find a pic of mine.
I suppose I better post mine then :D

My Japanese style full sleeve, around 80-90% finished:


Kanji on my right forearm (it's my wife's name in Chinese):


And the first one I ever got, a tribal on my right upper-arm/shoulder. Yes, I know it's pretty generic, but it was my first tattoo and I wasn't feeling very adventurous. Besides, I like it :cool:


And yes, I am a hairy **** :o
Naff photo since the wife cant use my dSLR :rolleyes:


Damn hard to take pics of your self. This one needs finishing, but i very much doubt it will get done now due to illness.

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