The Show Off Your Tattoo Thread


I can't even make out what on earth that is :confused:
I suppose I better post mine then :D

My Japanese style full sleeve, around 80-90% finished:


Kanji on my right forearm (it's my wife's name in Chinese):


And the first one I ever got, a tribal on my right upper-arm/shoulder. Yes, I know it's pretty generic, but it was my first tattoo and I wasn't feeling very adventurous. Besides, I like it :cool:


And yes, I am a hairy **** :o

I shouldnt quote but that sleeve looks absolutely fantastic!

Congratulations on ruining your arm

You are right, the tattoo has rendered my arm unable to move, and is now a colourful piece of meat dangling from my torso with no use.

Sorry if I passed judgement too soon on DreXel's sleeve. I suppose it has meaning, perhaps something to do with his job. Do you work in a fish and chip shop then?

The meaning of the theme does tie-in with my life, but that's not the primary reason for having it done. The main reason for having it done is because I find it aesthetically pleasing. Quite simple.

Presumably you have a tattoo to show off then? If not then why are you in this thread?

I'm really fancying having a couple on my arms.. is 32 to old to start? Thats whats putting me off...

I'm 33. You're never too old :)

Thanks to the others for the positive comments BTW.
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How long did it take to get that done? Looks good. Must have been hard applying the aftercare cream to it lol
Thats one reason I wouldnt get my back done. I would have to get someone else to cream it up.

took 3 month's to do.

sat there once for 6 hour's.

it was done about 10 year's ago now.
Really liking the red and black theme. Goes with your skin tones perfectly, the tatoo designs are pretty sweet too :D
How long you had them? The colours are looking great.
Thinking of getting another tattoo. I have my mind set on a guitar on my arm.

Something a bit like this:

I have told my friend who designed the previous one to have a shot of doing guitar tattoos now :D
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