I'm considering getting a tattoo and would like to know what people think of my design and give me some advice. Obviously you may or may not like my design but wanted to know where abouts on my body you think this would look OK, what size I should get, how much it will cost, how long it will take, how accurate can a tattoo artist be i.e. in terms of straight lines.
Anyone know of any good places in the South West/Gloucestershire area?
I was thinking of getting quite a small version on this on the underside of my wrist.
(background colour is an attempted skin tone )
The tattoo should be made a decent size. The icons on the top right side of the image need to be big enough so in a few years they dont merge into a mess. You wanna keep all the line work neat so it will look better in the future. It's a good design but you might wanna talk to your artist to see what he thinks needs fixing to make sure it will make a good tattoo. Will look fine to me with some fixing but i am not a tattoo artist lol