The Silence

No pictures yet but I replaced all the screws at the back and swapped the sidepanel from outside to inside. Waiting for alu covers and if they fit (they should since I sent cdr file) I'll send them to be powdercoated. Still waiting for fdd extension and hopefully today I'll get top mesh i'm missing (getting last box of my things form uk now). If not I'm gonna have to order another one from chilledpc
Some bright mind at specialtech decided to send my money to PP account I have not been using for 2 years or so. Instead of sendng the money to the PP account they got the money from they found my old PP and I don't think I'll get the money back now. GG Specialtech
OK, so there is a small no picture update :)
I've been trying to get TJ07 mesh for a few weeks now. ChilledPC have it in stock but when I'm trying to pay the system says there is no payment method. No answer for my emails so I gave up on them.
Then I emailed SS Europe and they have it in stock. 6 euro for piece and I think, great I'll get one then.
Yesterday they emailed me and it turnes out that with shipping it's 28 euros. 18 euros for shipping from DE to PL. It's a joke. I'm not doing mesh anymore, there will be something else instead, something that I can get locally.
Cables are almost ready so there is only 2 thing to do now before photos :)
Inside 5.25 cover done

The bearings are fine, everything You can hear is moving air. I have set them to 900rpm and this makes them very silent to me and look very nice. Noctua industrial's is a bit louder at the same speed. Still about 2 weeks left for final pics. Have to wait for alu covers to be sent to me and then send them to be powdercoated, need new top window since I used my clear version for the 5.25 cover.
I like what I received today :)


Don't know about using new backplate. Drilling the case with hardware inside is not the best thing to do but front and psu plate are going to be used :)
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It doesn't look like I'm gonna finish this build anytime soon... Lack of time kills it. I even left my red gpu ext. since I no longer have free time to work with PC. I still hope this will be finished but unfortunatelly as soon as it was intended.

Because of that I decided to to "final" photos of interior :)





iATX beta is done. Now I know what can and what can't be done in this chasis. Few weeks from now I will swap the MB tray for the CZ tray, do some custom covers, re route the tubing and possibly change gpu

Ok. It's time to go back do ATX. I have some covers already, new cover for front is coming in.

I already ordered DI water, orange dye, anti corrosion and biocide and ek holder so my res could be finally still :) Lightbox is going out, both 360 and 480 going to the bottom of the case, psu to the drive bays. Need also a step drill to make proper holes for pass throughs
Nice to see you are still working on it, final pics don't do it justice. I was looking at the MBX MKII case but cost is crazy. Looking forward to seeing how you progress yours.
Would love a Res like that for an upgrade to my bay system.
Nice to see you are still working on it, final pics don't do it justice. I was looking at the MBX MKII case but cost is crazy. Looking forward to seeing how you progress yours.
Would love a Res like that for an upgrade to my bay system.

MurderBox is too expensive. Same for Martma's mods for TJ07. As for the res You can contact a person who made it for me. Hi FB page
What do You think guys about covering I/O ports? Not sure if I like the look of it
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