**The (spam free) OcUK Kent bash 12th March 2005 - Get the details here**

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Freak_boy said:
you still can if you want to :p!

i also have to add that SOME people who lived locally or said they will come didnt turn up! (cant remember particular names tho)

oh and if u want gossip, i aint telling ;) u better wait for the "smutty people" to come back
Stop trying to make me feel guilty for not going. Besides I probably wouldn't have fit in well :p
Freak_boy said:
and can i just say i was right in that most of the people didnt even say hi to eachother, there was like no "ice-breaker" sort of... the only people that i talked to were like tiggy, hardball (i think), andy (who drove me too, and i didnt pay him :cheeky:) erm talked to hangtime a bit. piggy was ok and so was skill. freefaller talked little. otacon is the only one who i didnt talk to (not because i dont like him but because he is like so loud mouth like wouldnt keep quiet even for a sec!) oh and it is SOOOO true, piggy and desmo were like inseperable and here i was thinking it is a "fake" internet only relationship!

Not so.

Ice breakers aren't necessary. Get yourself involved. You can't blame others for that. How long have you been a member here now?? If you didn't speak to people its your own lookout. These meets are as good or as bad as you make them.

Freefaller is one of the friendliest guys I've ever met, and Otacon isn't a loudmouth, he's outgoing. Exactly what you should have been. I imagine you've upset a few people with that post. Me included.
Have to agree with Gilly there. At the Swansea meet Hangtime and Skill both came up to me and had a chat with me, and with Piggy and Freefaller I started talking to them and had no problem, instead had very nice conversations with them. :) Just got to bite the bullet, get some nerve and go talk to them.

They all seemed extremely nice and warm people to me :) Out of the lot of the ones you've mentioned I can only say I really know Piggy hugely well but she's one of the nicest people I know and also always very good at making you feel welcome and getting you to join in.

I haven't met Otacon/Triangle (:p) yet but from what I've heard, I think I'll get on with him when I eventually meet him ;)

I'm generally an extremely shy person so not like I'm outgoing in any way usually!
Freak_boy said:
and can i just say i was right in that most of the people didnt even say hi to eachother
You mean You didn't say hi to most people ;)

You now know that you are a 100% genuine socially inept geek - so at least you gained something from going :D
Don't worry too much about it Freak_Boy you made the first step that a lot of other members including myself have yet to make and go along to one of the meet ups. I'm a bit shy like you by the sounds of it and I chickened out of one of the meets a few years ago, not something I want to have to do again so I would never put my name down again now. Glad people enjoyed themselves, and remember things can only get better. You'll probably enjoy the Alton trip a lot more now you have an idea of what its like :)
Otacon is loud?! :eek:

Sorry to hear you felt a bit overwhelmed Freak Boy. I and all of us I think all did try and make the effort to chat to you a bit. I understand you're shy. At least you had a bit of fun at the bowling alley.

Next time make the effort to socialise a bit more and you might have a bit more fun - we certainly did ;)

Pictures will follow soon whenever MB and Berserker can get me a copy!
Hey, the only way to get to talk to people is to open your mouth and talk. We spoke (albeit briefly) at the club last night.

I generally feel pretty comfortable at these meets because I've been to a few now and know a fair number of people, but I've tried to make a point this weekend to speak to people that I didn't know and havn't met before.

As Gilly said. It's down to you, the meet is what you make it.

Anyway, more beer calls ;) ;)

I was actually at the white rabbit earlier with my girlfriend, (saturday, between 2 and 4) and i'd forgotten all about the meet this weekend. I remebered it when i saw "dexy the FTO" sitting in the carpark! I thought, hang on. I've seen that car somewhere before. lol.

Sorry i didnt say hi, didnt want to leave the gf, plus i wouldve felt like a tool! I'm not one of the most outgoing/confident people in the world, and a table of 10+ people didnt make it easier. :o :D

Hope you had fun guys, i'll really have to sort things out for the next one. :)
KiNgPiN83 said:
I was actually at the white rabbit earlier with my girlfriend, (saturday, between 2 and 4) and i'd forgotten all about the meet this weekend. I remebered it when i saw "dexy the FTO" sitting in the carpark! I thought, hang on. I've seen that car somewhere before. lol.

Sorry i didnt say hi, didnt want to leave the gf, plus i wouldve felt like a tool! I'm not one of the most outgoing/confident people in the world, and a table of 10+ people didnt make it easier. :o :D

Hope you had fun guys, i'll really have to sort things out for the next one. :)


We had SUCH a good time, I wish you had approched us :(

Shame, maybe next year :)

Sounds like it was fun, but I dunno how I'd feel about going to meet a bunch of people I hardly talk to except on the internet, and could all be big gay pornstars (actually that could be kinda cool but anyhow).

Hope you guys had fun!
Good Morning OcUK.

As probably the last one, 99.9% sure of it, of the Kent people still awake from the meeting it was an absolute blast. The initial meeting at the White Rabbit was more nervy for the fact would i find all of them ok, which i did and surprised MB when he said SCM just called he is on his way and i said i'm behind you.

Friday night was a bit difficult to talk easily as most people were eating so i said my hi's to about 5 or 6 of the members there and sat quietly while everyone ate and joined in when i could with the conversations. Some of it shyness but most of it let them eat in peace as they will need the energy. I didn't go clubbing with them as 5am starts in a week catch up with you so i went home with a stinking head ache brewing and went to bed after taking some headache pills.

Woke up early Saturday got ready and headed off to MB's house to meet the rest of the Kent contingent. Had a better chance there to talk to people and great the new arrivals before heading off to the bowling. Was far easier talking at the bowling to everyone as a lot quieter and more relaxed as we had fun bowling. Yes piggy was beaten by the ex Mr Triangle so we expect to see the new piggy name shortly on the forums.

Old Orleans was a blast as we were able to talk a lot more between ourselves, even with the music blasting and have more fun. Then we hit the MB pad, after a detour to the cinema to try to do some more dance matting but they were denied by the manager who was shutting up shop.

As for the MB pad antics see the other post with the web cam title :D

So great fun had by all and I for one would like to thank MB and his lovely wife H for all the organising on Mats side and for H for letting us all into her home and putting up with us all. A few more ideas for possible future meets have been mentioned and I will speak to the relevant parties tommorow to see if it is something we can arrange.

So now to stay up and awake as if i go to bed now no chance of me getting to MB's by 12 to meet and say farewell to the remaining OcUkers.

Haly said:
I haven't met Otacon/Triangle (:p) yet but from what I've heard, I think I'll get on with him when I eventually meet him ;)


Boy have you got a treat in store. ;)

I had a nice chat with HangTime in Swansea. He's lovely! :)

I am eagerly awaiting more reports on the night!
Hangovers suck, hard. I'm so glad I havn't got one, despite necking copius quantities of various alcoholic beverages last evening.

Bunch of slackers so far. M and H aren't up yet, we've not seen triangle, faller or any of the other bunch from the wampent wabbit except for Mr Pitch and Lynn and Herr Hangtime ;)

Ahah, MB has materialized with the immortal words "right, let's get *** b4c0n cooking" so I'd better run away before he realises he's left his account logged in again ;)

Roberta said:
Boy have you got a treat in store. ;)

I had a nice chat with HangTime in Swansea. He's lovely! :)

I am eagerly awaiting more reports on the night!

Looking forward to it really :D
And I want to hear all about it too!
Matblack said:
Bunch of slackers so far. M and H aren't up yet, we've not seen triangle, faller or any of the other bunch from the wampent wabbit except for Mr Pitch and Lynn and Herr Hangtime ;)
Apologies for not saying bye to everyone this morning, came round your place about 10ish and there was no sign of life, so decided not to wake anyone and just grabbed the car.

Once again top night and cheers for arranging everything MB.
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