Well I just got home! It's such a refreshing change to have to travel for less than 30mins to get to a meet!
This meet was very definitely a success. Lots of banter, lots of fun, lots of alcohol, silly behaviour and all sorts of other fun things! It was really lively and got very rowdy at times! Eaveryone got on like a house of fire, certainly after the inital awkward "getting to know people" stage.
I knew most people there already and so it was fantastic to catch up with them again. It was very nice meeting lots of new people too - I'm glad you braved it and turned up. It is a mad get together and of course trying to integrate yourself into a group of people that know each other is always going to be a little daunting - but from my point of view everybody just got on with having fun!
The night out after the drunken pub meal on the Friday was brilliant fun and just what I needed to unwind after a long few weeks abroad. It was a great time to chat and get to know people and generally start making a tit of myself (as ever)
The bowling was superb. I haven't had so much fun in a long time even though I was beaten by a girl (Lynnie)

I think I was pretty much inhebriated for the whole weekend - which is common tendancy for OcUK meets, though I am sweet and innocent and very well behaved at all times (I am a princess after all...).
New Orleans was a great fun venue, the food was good, the waitresses were attrative, I saw butt cheeks of 3 belt wearing lasses, and the atmosphere was spot on. The "couple in the bushes" moment being for me one of the highlights of that particular point in the evening!
I think we have firmly established on this meet that Otacon is a dancing queen and looks very gay whilst doing it - and I just look gay in pictures in general. We have also established that Desmo likes to hump me and vice versa - and enjoys doing "Piggy Sandwiches" - if I were not comfortable or sure of my heterosexuality I think this meet could have been somewhat enlightening after some of the compromising erm... "situations" that occured!
The webcam thread and activites were somewhat deplorable but an absolute hoot. Desmo's helium singing actually almost killed me with laughter - I almost felt like one of the characters from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
I'd like to thank MatBlack and his lovely leggy wife Heather for putting up with the rowdy bunch of drunken OcUK people. I'd also like to apologies for the marks on your wall - I'm pretty sure that a lot of us contributed to that in someway over the night - if you need a hand to repaint it I'm not far away!
MatBlack really pulled out the stops for this meet, not only for organising so much but spending a lot of time and money on making everything so easy for everyone - furthermore, the sheer generosity of inviting all these people from the forums round to his house in a very "make yourself at home" way is truly generous. I doubt many/any other online community/forums could ever replicate something quite on this level.
Once again, thanks for a fantastic night, I shall wait to be thoroughly embarssed with all the pictures that will no doubt follow soon. It was great to meet everyone and see all of you again, I can't wait till the next one!
you're a legend mate!