The state of broken Britain's stupid 'class' confused right now

Not the troubles then no?

No, most people in NI were uneffected, it was weak sauce anyway.

They were warned of the dangers of growing just one crop and suffered greatly from their incompetence. You didn't need engineers or scientists to give the peasants food aid.

No, enough food was grown on this island to feed its whole population. A lot of grain was exported to the English market by the large Irish landowners as food shortages where effecting the whole of Europe. No shortage of food in Ireland, just a shortage of wealth to keep it here. The Tory party of the time provided food aid and prevented famine, then there was a general election which they lost and the aid was stopped by the new government. Which led to mass deaths, it was political incompetence, political intent along with some really poor weather. It would happen tomorrow UK wide if government scraped the benefit system.
in regione caecorum rex est luscus

or to put it in English, in the land of the blind the one eyed man is king.

Someone without much talent is considered special by those with no talent at all.

Stupid saying, if you are blind you are blind, having 1 blind eye doesn't help you anymore than 2 blind eyes.

It should in the land where everyone is blind apart from 1 person with the sense of sight who posses 1 or more eyes is king.
I'm guessing the OP has a valid point, any form of real sucess that may be a benefit to the world is shunned.
In asia academic success is held higher than sporting to be an engineer or scientist/doctor is to be in the top teir. whilst in this country if you ack like a **** on TV you seem to be treated with such a level of reverance.

I found this slightly depressing the other night, when the GF was watching britain's got issues.... er... talent.

There was a science teacher who came on and did a load of experiments, with explosions and funny coloured foam etc. Basically got laughed off stage, whereas the audience and judges would much rather celebrate the success of a dog that can "sing". One of the judges even went so far as to make the comment that she "wasn't a big fan of science". Well who do you think designs and makes that plastic paint you slap over your face you stupid trollop?!

Sad state of affairs indeed!
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