Joesy Essex is most likely a right wing conservative who thinks exactly like you do. Because some how he would end up in a an elite private school, and be the boss of a company despite of intelligence. Nearly every "rah rah"( type person does this, and joey essex is one those types. He dresses like one, he was brought up like one, and his ambitions are simular.
That view would just reenforce that some people are all winners(Like joey essex), and rest minimum wage workers are losers who worship the winner. No in between. Those policies effectively reinforce these people - Believe me I went to university with people who are EXACTLY like that guy in that video, who are dumb but somehow got into an elite university and despise(make fun of) common people. They have views exactly like yours, because it reenforces this behaviour.
I'm a different kind of right wing - A libertarian and despise these people. They don't thrive on competition, they use state selection to pick winners and losers(Effectively grammar schools, which almost always end up selecting middle class kids) and remove competition. I would give parents a voucher, which allows them to pay for a private school of their choice as oppose to being forced to to send their kids to state grammar schools or a state secondary modern sink school or whatever.