So my butt dyno was correct as since the 2019.40.2.1 update I believe the battery is being pre-heated more aggressively in the SR+ at least. I knew there was some more pep to the car after starting my normal commute and it was because the battery pack was already at ~20 C. Previously it was ~15 C when setting out.
Screenshots taken from Scan My Tesla via an OBDII breakout cable + Bluetooth dongle installed in the rear of the console between the front seats.
First screenshot note the
R Power is 3kw of energy being used to energise the rear motor which adds heat to the battery loop (
Battery inlet). The
Cell mid temp wasn't registering at this point so assume battery pack is ~1 C below
Battery inlet.
Battery power at -4.47 indicates only 4kw going to charge the pack.
Second screenshot 1 hr later and now the
Cell mid temp (can't explain why it registered now) is 19 C and
Battery power at -7.29 now indicates the battery is getting the full 7kw of charging.
R power isn't registering (frustrating program) but I assume it's 0kw as the battery is getting the full 7kw from the wall charger.
Maybe a bug with Scan My Tesla but until I put the car in Drive the parameters don't always register on screen initially, usually I have 10.