From yesterdays drive
Total Miles Driven 339.2
Rated Miles Used 470.92
Efficiency 72.03 %
Time Driven 7 Hours 7 Minutes
kWh Used 106.22 kWh
Wh/Mile 313 Wh
Total Cost £ 14.34
Average Temp 9.41 C
Couple of "splash and dash" charges on some 50kw chargers here and there. No hassles. nearly 9 hours in the car in total - feel great. Super comfy, easy drive.
Cost ain't accurate as most of the charging was free.
Total Miles Driven 339.2
Rated Miles Used 470.92
Efficiency 72.03 %
Time Driven 7 Hours 7 Minutes
kWh Used 106.22 kWh
Wh/Mile 313 Wh
Total Cost £ 14.34
Average Temp 9.41 C
Couple of "splash and dash" charges on some 50kw chargers here and there. No hassles. nearly 9 hours in the car in total - feel great. Super comfy, easy drive.
Cost ain't accurate as most of the charging was free.