The Tesla Thread

From yesterdays drive

Total Miles Driven 339.2
Rated Miles Used 470.92
Efficiency 72.03 %
Time Driven 7 Hours 7 Minutes
kWh Used 106.22 kWh
Wh/Mile 313 Wh
Total Cost £ 14.34
Average Temp 9.41 C

Couple of "splash and dash" charges on some 50kw chargers here and there. No hassles. nearly 9 hours in the car in total - feel great. Super comfy, easy drive.

Cost ain't accurate as most of the charging was free.
My stats so far from TeslaFi:

Journeys: 579
Miles: 8,893
Wh/Mile: 269
Efficiency: 79%
Avg Temp: 9.2c

Not bad for primarily winter driving so far.
seems a bit difficult to judge charges for journeys though, if the car's telling you you've got 470 miles and you only get 339. wouldn't put me off getting one if I had the money though :-D
It really depends on how you drive, speed, weather, tyres etc. It’s no different to an ICE, all of those factors effect an ICE in exactly the same way. You just notice it more in an EV because it’s there right in front of your face and you have a smaller amount of fuel.

It is possible to make the rated number in the right circumstances but the moment you boot it up a slip road of off the traffic lights you haven’t got a chance.

seems a bit difficult to judge charges for journeys though, if the car's telling you you've got 470 miles and you only get 339. wouldn't put me off getting one if I had the money though :-D

That’s why almost every Tesla owner will tell you to switch the trip to % instead of number of miles. It works the same way as a fuel gage then.

The nav takes into account how your driving and the terrain into its calculation for charging stops, if your doing a big cross country journey on Tesla’s network you shouldn’t need to think about it. If your off Tesla’s network then you’ll need to think about it a little.
As above, absolutely no different to an ICE. How often do you get the advertised MPG?

I think you may be conflating advertised mpg with the mpg readout / range remaining on the trip computer.

wolfie's point was about what the car is telling you it can do. He wasnt referring to what the manual/brochure/website says.
That’s true but an EVs rated range and the ‘miles left’ figure is based upon what it can do, not that it’s doing. If you started driving it the way it’s rated then it will deliver the range it states it has left.

The trip computer measuring what it is actually doing will be pretty accurate.

That’s why I said pretty much all Tesla owners (and owners of other EVs) switch the dash to display the battery percentage and ignore the ‘miles left’ figure.
I think you may be conflating advertised mpg with the mpg readout / range remaining on the trip computer.

wolfie's point was about what the car is telling you it can do. He wasnt referring to what the manual/brochure/website says.

The car does base the remaining miles on real world, though - I'm pretty sure. Rated miles is exactly the same as advertised mpg.

As above everyone switches to %, me included, which is why I'm not 100% sure on the above; only sure enough based on the nav routing you via Superchargers which it could only do if it was basing miles left on real world (else you wouldn't make it).
The mileage thing isn't an issue.

Switched to % battery and go from there. It's really not that difficult once you get the car. Some people who own electric cars really want to get into the nitty gritty of it all etc.

For me it's really really simple - drive the car, then charge if I need to, or not if I don't. On a normal week potter around with the family/kids activities and a few client visits thrown in, I probably charge it to 80/90% battery once or twice a week.

Other side is that 340 mile drive the other day cost me around £4.50. I charged up to 100% at home (£4.50), then every other charge that day was free.

This time of year with wipers on, heater on, heated seats, wind/rain etc etc etc 70% efficiency is fine. Should improve to around 75/80% in the summer.

You could say the same with ICE cars - "advertised" mpg and take 70% of that for real world driving. My golf gti (previous car) was rated for 38mpg combined, over 10000 miles I was 30.2 mpg - ergo 79% efficiency...
The new visualisations are pretty good for traffic lights and arrows on the road. Pretty impressed with pickup accuracy at junctions and showing red/green lights.

Also just had octopus Go enabled last night so charging will be cheaper
The new visualisations are pretty good for traffic lights and arrows on the road. Pretty impressed with pickup accuracy at junctions and showing red/green lights.

Also just had octopus Go enabled last night so charging will be cheaper

yes - enabled them this morning after update last night.
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